As Tony, now back from his European vacation with his family, and I round the bend in the road who did we meet? None other than coffee drinker and collie standing in the middle of the road talking to pajama man and his dog, mutt. Both mutt and collie are on there long leashes, you know the kind they can be reeled-in or let out. No chance that pajama man and coffee drink would "reel them in" because they are oblivious to us coming at 20 mph. Mutt is moving toward the left side of the road and collie is moving right while pajama man and coffee drinker are standing talking in the middle of the road. Which way to go? Right and tangle with collie whom I'm sure is going to bark and snap. Which way to go? Left and contend with mutt who looks friendly. Tony ever the brave Brit, says in a loud voice with his friendly British accent GOOD MORNING! and begins to move left. This sudden friendliness from the cyclist causes coffee drinker and pajama man to be startled and pajama man begins to reel-in mutt and coffee drinker takes a sip of coffee. But right on cue...Collie goes crazy wraps himself around coffee drinker and then pajama man barking..... as we go by I say MORNING (I'm not British nor am I friendly in the morning) and I noticed coffee drink has again spilled his coffee and I hear DAMN! Mission Accomplished!
As we went to the turn around I couldn't help but wonder what was in store for us as we went by coffee drinker and collie a second time. As we approached the spot of our first meeting both pajama man and coffee drinker were gone...disappeared. Sad no second chances. It was an uneventful ride with the exception of the straight-a-way where Tony on his new Trek Madone once again broke the 30 mph goal.
So today was a 25 mile ride, hopefully I'll swim at lunch and tonight I'm going to a party at the beach. Goals for the weekend are 16 mile run and 1 hour open water swim on Sat and 75 mile ride on Sunday with Mr Discovery Channel Poser, Tony with his Trek Madone and Discovery Channel racing jersey and shorts!
Hey, tell Lance, I mean Tony, I said hi!
I could go for a beach party right about now (4pm on Friday).
Good luck on that long run :-)
this reminds me of the difference between ignorance and stupidity... Coffee Drinker can no longer plead ignorance.
You know, one would think Coffee Drinker would've figured it out by now: keep a better eye out, eliminate dog, eliminate coffee, stand somewhere else... something!
Ka-ching! Well done!! Oldman 2, CD&C 0!
Sweet!!!!!! I'd sooo love to see this wouldn't you guys??? I think it should be on AMF.. :-)
Hello Oldman,
I noticed you said in your profile you are located in Naples, Florida -- and I have been writing to Naples bloggers on blogspot, in the hope someone may be interested in a new online community I would like to start in support of a radio show about education.
If you have any interest in participating on-air in a local radio show about education, please feel free to post your suggestion on the blog I started.
Should the show become a reality, and it might, then I will contact you about your suggestion.
I am interested in talking with students, parents, teachers, and other Naples community members who are interested in education.
The homepage of the site I created today can be found HERE.
The forum in that site, for your suggestions on how you want to participate on air or online, or for your questions or encouragement, is HERE.
Thanks. And, I enjoyed checking out your blog! I am thinking you would great for a show on fitness, inspiring kids to set goals, or perhaps moderating a chat with local gym teachers.Let me know if you are interested. Thanks.
Tish Hall
Naples, FL
PS Feel free to write about or link to your blog on my blog!
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