As I'm driving home from work, boys and girls, I listened to a commercial for a Duck Sanitizing Company. It seems that ducks are full of mold, mildew and germs that can cause all kinds of illness in humans. This company will come to your house and clean the insides of your ducks with a disinfectant that is harmless to the ducks. Imagine having your duck's insides cleaned! Not only that, but they guarentee that your ducks will be free of mold, mildew and germs for one year. ONE YEAR PEOPLE!
Now my duck, like the one pictured above, lives in my swimming pool. He has his own little skimmer house that he can "duck" into from time to time. For the most part I get him out of his skimmer to float around in the evenings, sometimes I even put floating candles in so he can see better in the dark while I sit in the hot tub and drink champagne with guests.
I've never thought about having having Ducky (that's his name) sanitizied! I do scrub him with a soft scrub brush and pool cleaner from time to time but never sanitized.
When Alexander visited me, I bought Ducky two friends at Disney World. Alexander named them Captain and Pirate (it sounded better when Alexander said their names in Italian...now I forget the Italian pronounciation of Capitan and Pirate). Unfortunately Alexander took Captain and Pirate home to Rome to live in his pond and once again Ducky is alone. I never thought about having Captain and Pirate sanitized before they left the States! How foolish!
Well boys and girls learn from this...always have your ducks sanitized.
It rained this morning, to hard for a bike ride so I ran 3 miles to keep loose. Tomorrow is my LSD run of 16 miles and perhaps to the University pool in the afternoon. Sunday is the LSD ride with Tony of 70 miles in the morning and to the beach in the afternoon (Doc's Beach House again). Hopefully this rain will pass and it will be a nice weekend.
Have a good weekend. Best wishes to those racing: April-Anne, Dianna, Susan, the other Susan, and others!
Just as long as I don't run into Evil Ducky on a swim course somewhere....
captain = capitano
pirate = pirata
I don't know Italian (except food), but I do know the internet!
Have a good weekend...
I boiled my baby's first duck but that didn't turn out well. I soaked the second in Dettol and never got the smell out. Then I began to consider them disposable and replaced them regularly.
You've got to be joking! How're we supposed to build immunity to ducky germs if we're never exposed? Pun intended!
did you ever think they were talking about sanitizing real ducks?
you're a nut.
jeez...My husband found a duck like this somewhere. God only KNOWS where he's been. And now he's been living for the past year in our laundry room sink...UNSANITIZED! :-O
Enjoyed a lot! » »
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