OK thanks for all the "bee sting' and fat lip jokes. Yes my lip has gone back to it's normal size.
So what else could happen you ask? Well I'm glad you asked because Saturday when I got up I felt pretty good. I did my normal stretch routine and suddenly I felt that all to familiar feeling of a muscle pull in my back. It became so painful I had trouble walking. So no long run..hey I could hardly walk!
My neighbor bought a new power boat, yea know it's not a real boat unless it has sails. He wanted me to go out with he and his wife for a ride. It was a great day for a boat ride, we stopped at Salty Sam's for lunch, toured the boat grave yard and then out ran a rain storm on the way back home. I still have my navigation skills.
Saturday afternoon I decided to get a massage to hlep my back. It was very relaxing but I still had pain when the massuse got done. She suggested some exercises to strenthen that area. By Saturday night my back really felt aweful. I couldn't lie down to sleep and felt uncomfortable sitting. When I finally managed to get to sleep the muscles started to spasm! I woke screaming in pain... So I took so industrial strength ibprofin and had a very horrible night of spasms and screams. I didn't ride Sunday and lazed around the pool. By this morning it was much better so I rode 25 miles but only at an ave pace of 17.8 mph. Hopefully I'm on the way to recovery.
Bike - 100 miles (no long ride on Sunday)
Run - 15 miles ( no long run on Saturday)
Swim - 9,000 yards (no open water swim on Sat)
Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! » »
Enjoyed a lot! »
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