What a GREAT ride this morning! Woohoo! It was one of those days when everything felt just right. Tony picked me up at my house and we jumped right in riding at 17 mph. So much for slow easy warm up. But I felt good and kept up. At the turns I would sprint to try to keep up with Tony (he is much faster in the turns due to his bike, a Trek Madone).
One the first straight-a-way, remember we are trying to get to 30 mph on the straight-a-way, I was pulling as usual and we were doing 24 mph. Tony was content to sit on my wheel. We went for our second loop knowing that today might be the day.
Coming down Coffee Drinker and Collie's street, we were riding at 23 mph and took the cobblestone turn at our fastest yet, 22 mph! As we went up the next section Tony was pulling at 24 mph until the turn around. At the turn-around d we sip water and switch positions I pull around Island Circle then on to the straight-a-way. Once there I pulled trying to keep a steadily increasing speed. At the half way mark (two red poles) Tony came around me. I had to work hard to get on his wheel. At 27.8 he dropped me, pulling away. Finally at the end we go around a curve and then have to get on a bike path. It was there that Tony announced, and I verified via his Polar speedometer, he hit a max speed of 30.7 mph. A new record!
When we got all done we had gone 25.2 miles at an average sped of 19.7 mph. I felt pretty good. The only thing that would have made it better was if I had hit the 30 mph.

Well done! You'd make a great domestique. ;-)
Is that your Florida mansion in the photo? Or Tony's? Looks like a lovely neighborhood!
Wow, you guys are getting fast!
Scary fast!
Dang - You'd kick my butt out there!!! Go you!!!
30.7 is the speed I use on my mixer when making Collie Pate.
you guys are riding faster than your neighbors are driving in their 1974 Cadillac El Dorado's.
And don't lie to me Oldman, I watch Seinfeld, I know what retirees drive in Boca. Naples aint that far away..is it?
Way to kick butt. Awesome description of the ride...felt like I was there...although reading it, I was done in a minute or two, so much easier on my muscles that it was on yours. :) Great job. Good reading. Keep up the great effort.
You guys are crazy!!!
Well done! You guys are really putting the hammer down!
30 would be splended, but 27+ ain't exactly slow either! Nice ride! :)
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