Why can I ride but not run or walk without pain? So I rode this morning 25 miles.
I bought a Bike rack for my garage:
I got a bonus this week. Here is what I want buy. Let me know what you think!
1. A new jersey. My Quintanna Roo jersey is torn from my fall in November but I wear it anyway so it needs replacing. I like the Discovery Channel last day of the Tour jersey but I don't want to be a poseur.
2. New cycling shorts. I would like a really comfortable pair with a good pad. What kind do you use?
3. A new helmet - my helmet is scraped from my fall in Nov. So a new Giros is in order.
4. A media PC by HP for my big screen HD TV. It would replace the DVD, CD Changer, VCR and give me TIVO type of recording ability and I can put all my cds on the hard drive. It also decodes Dolby 6.1 for my sound system. It has two tuners so I can use my PIP features too.
5. A new digital camera. Cannon or Nikon. I like both but I have an old Cannon already so maybe my lens would fit the Cannon EOS?
6. Nice dinner at a fancy restaurant. Sign of the Vine or Chardonnay but I've gotta find someone to go with since I don't want to eat alone.
7. A weekend get-a-way over Labor Day weekend. But I don't know where to go... Mexico? Italy? ---that's a week but I have a place to stay in Rome and a car to use plus a scooter.
A penny for your thots!
I think you should buy me something...I didn't get my usual spring bonus this year and I am so sad...
That said, I thought you were thinking of a new tri bike?
Yeah, how come I didn't see "gifts for all blogging buddies" on that list?
Ooh! Ooh! Giant RBF party at Oldman's house!!! Yes?
I hope your back feels better soon.
I'd go for the long weekend in Italy or the digital camera ...
Government employees don't get bonuses but we do get several holidays so I guess my complaints fall on deaf ears ...
What ever you do with your bonus, enjoy it!
it's not a select one item....i plan to do them all. but sorry no party AB becuase your expensive gift is in the mail!
What in the heck are mountain bikes doing hanging in your garage???
I was with you Oldman, do em all. I mean really you can't do a trip to Mexico or Italy w/o a new camera, new jersey, shorts, helmet, have a good dinner wherever you go. Plus you have to be able to download everything with the latest technology.
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