Today it was cold, the morning temp when I left for my morning run was 51* but it's going to be 74* today. I wore my long sleeve tee and shorts but I wished I had tights. I did the usual thru the woods run. I didn't see to many people out walking or riding bikes. I guess it was just to cold for them.
Like yesterday I will not be able to swim, so this makes two misses in a row. ugh!
51? My awesome wife went out this morning and did her 5-mile run in 25* morning air! Dang...I didn't even go out in that!
BTW, the tree looks great!
nice artwork. i need someone to decorate the tree outside and take the decor down after the holidays.
That's not cold. It is 0* F here with wind chill. Now that's cold. I am looking forward for my run tomorrow ;)
It has been very cold in Florida. Monday I wore pants and a long sleeved shirt without feeling overdressed. What's up with that. Hope you get to swim this week!
Hey Oldman,
You secretly complain about the cold weather just to get me going don't ya. I'm totally on to you! It's OK, I'd do the same thing if I knew there was some poor sap in Utah riding in 10-20 degree weather. Wait a minute, that's me. Aw crap!
You mention these hot temps JUST to aggravate us Canadians JUST like you decorate a PALM tree. Can/t grow a spruce though, can you! Ha Ha!
want me to send a parka?
Re:Italy, I was in florence,pisa,naples and ladispoli
in the late 80's.....haven't made it back unfortunately:(
The palm tree is beautiful and festive! I'll be sending you a snow ball from VT in two weeks .. it is meant to hit you right in the head to remind you that 50 is not cold!!
Hehehe...ADORE you inspite of your "weather challenged ways" Oldman
I thought California winters were mellow...sounds like Florida has us beat.
I put a "tag" to you from my website if you get bored for something to do!
Love the tree!
I guess 51 must *feel* cold. It's all what you're used to... :)
I'm with you. I'm in San Diego and the early mornings here have been chilly also (in the high 40's). BRRRRR! Where's my gloves, tights, hat and long sleeves?
I think after a number of years living in a warm climate, the blood thins and the tolerance for cold weather disappears.
Stay warm!
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