Since I showed you yesterday's sunrise I thot I would show you yesterday's sunset captured while driving home on the interstate, I think I was doing 80 mph when the pic was taken.

Several years ago, I purchased the Timex Bodylinks System and I have used it just about everyday. The watch died and I replaced the battery. But then it crapped out comletely, so I have been sans watch. So for my birthday (Dec. 5), I bought myself a new replacement watch. It came yesterday so I no longer feel nekid.

My pedals also broke. I have Speedplay Zeros the basic crome moly that the bearing and bushing have been worn away...to many miles? not enough grease! So I went Clint's Bike Shoppe and bought myself another birthday present NEW PEDALS. Clint was nice enough to sell me the x/1 Titanium pedals for the same price as the crome pedals about a$30 savings. So look out I'll be fast with pedals that actually work and don't squeak!
Happy Birthday!! Getting new gear is the best!
nice sunset!
Hi Oldman! Sorry that it's taken me a while to get back to your blog... I was busy dodging bullets down in Naples last week... survived another visit to my folk's retirement paradise! I'm sure that at least the bread wasn't dry on Thanksgiving!
As I sit here in snowy Utah, I envy your pictures of warm weather and sunsets. Boy, what I'd give to have that kind of training weather. You are one lucky man.
dude, did you get a chance to try the X1 titaniums... i'm thinkin' those are gonna be my pedals of choice...
let me know, please and thanks in advance.
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