Well it has been almost three weeks since Wilma hit Southwest Florida and there are still signs of her visit. The town of Naples has a site to take the debris but there are still piles of "stuff" along the roadside. FEMA just had Operation Blue Roof where you can get a contractor to put a blue tarp over your damaged roof. So now as you drive around you see homes with beautiful bright blue roofs. Now that power is back on in most of the area Florida Power and Light has asked for a rate hike of $15 per user to pay for the storm damage.
This morning was a cooler morning than the past few days. As the sun came up there was a slight fog and the temp was 65*. I was going to ride in a sleeveless top but decided to wear a short-sleeve jersey because of the cool temp.
Yup, today as we went up Coffee Drinker and Collies street on the first loop they were out in the driveway. But I think they have recruited their neighbor across the street to get us. You see as I came to up the street the neighbor in his black Caddy SUV backed out of his driveway in front of me! I had no where to go, so it was a full emergency stop and unclip to put my foot down! Then black Caddy drove in the middle of the road and suddenly started a "K-Turn" type of maneuver to back into his neighbors driveway, again causing me to stop because he had the road blocked. All the while Coffee Drinker and Collie were watching and enjoying me being held up. Score one for them.
So I did complete my 25 mile ride this morning, inspite of being held up! I will not be swimming today at lunch because I'm going home early today (1:00) to go play 9 holes of golf, walking of course.
This weekend is of course my LSD run tomorrow. I have a light schedule this week so it's only 12 miles. Sunday's LSD ride is 45 miles.
Hope everyone has a good weekend!
I sense a full scale war ahead. and the script gets interesting. we'll need morning and evening updates. have fun golfing:)
Curses! Foiled again!!
Coffee drinker and his neighbor are evidently morons. Find another route. Of course, your blog entries may not be as interesting.
Wilma aftermath photos make me cringe. Thank goodness the season in over.
I know CT's not exactly "safe" during hurricane season, but man - I do not know how y'all cope down there.
CD&C - sound like quality nemises.
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