The ride itself was well marked and the cue sheets accurate. I was a little disconcerted when there was no actual start, everyone just did their own thing. Being from "out-of-state" though not really I grew up around here, I didn't know anyone and hope to hook up with a group. I was either to fast or to slow for the groups so I just did my own ride which really is better training for me.
The ride was through the rolling hills of central Jersey, past the lovely horse farms and tree nurseries. There was just an occasional pasting car but the organizers did a good job of sticking to the back country roads. It did rain for just a few minutes, just enough to get the road wet. At the first stop I had a pb&j sandwich and refilled my bottles. That kept me till the end of the ride since I ate my Cliff Bars while riding only stopping again to refill the bottles and go potty...always a good sign if you have to pee at 75 miles.
On one part of the ride I road past the old barm where my father as a teenage kept horses for his ice delievery wagon (1920's), I rode past the road named for my family, saw the site of my cousin's farm now a developement, and saw signs for my family's plantation now a museum.
At the finish they had lunch but I didn't feel much like eating another pb&j sandwich so I drove back to my apartment. On the way I drove past my boyhood home, my first home I bought when I was 20, then past the home I sold to go to Florida. My how things have changed and not all for the good.
Sunday was a run day for me so I did 14 miles around Ardmore. I went through the lovely Haverford College campus and saw some neat old buildings including a church which is now a library. (Pics coming soon).
Here's the totals for the weak:
Bike 175 miles
Run 28 miles - can't seem to get in the 30's
Swim - Nada - still haven't figured out the pool situation
Sounds like a BEA-U-TIFUL ride! I recognize all of those landmarks, having myself grown up around Philly. I hear you about the drastic growth and changes in the past 15 years or so. I need directions now whenever I go there!
the cue sheets where great... gave me something to do besides watch the road for the markers
I didn't know you lived up there before Florida. While it is nice to go down memory lane, I have found that you can never go back.
you were literally riding down memory lane..
glad you are getting settled in.
Just an FYI -- the library at Haverford College was never a church. It was built in a Gothic style, of sorts, but has never functioned as a church -- always a library.
great bike volume.
it's all about the bike.
whenever i go to my hometown, i have dreams for weeks afterwards... it must be hard with the reminders... don't look back, just forward.
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