When I got ready for my ride this morning I expected a bitter cold morning but to my surprise the wind had subsided and the temp was 56*. So it was cold going into the wind but not so cold going down wind. Tony had to drop our after the first loop so I rode the last 12 miles alone. But hey it was a good ride, I even pasted Tony on the straight-a-way at 29 mph...but he did jump on my wheel so I didn't drop him...next time. I got my 25 miles in.
I have started going back to the weight room at the fitness center. Wednesday night a I did 2 miles on the dreadmill and then an upper body workout. I was a little sore for my run yesterday but I guess my little Christmas rest help because I felt real strong on my 7 mile jaunt.
Tonight is the famous cocktails at the club night with some friends and tomorrow I'm going to attempt a long run of 15 miles. Sunday Tony and I are doing the Cocnut Point Ride to see the eagles nest and perhaps get a look at the babies. (What is a baby eagle called a hatchling?)
Here's a pic of the beach from yesterday....I didn't swim at the beach because I didn't have a wetsuit. The water temp is 65*. I just had lunch watching the water rather than staying in the office and eating at my desk.

Bolder , the girl walking the water line has a nice bikini, just for you! this is 4 blocks from my office.
Zoom, man, zoom!
If it is possible to have "opposite" weather, we are having it here is Oregon! Enjoy that sunshine. It will be weeks before I get to see it again!
I think we got your warm weather and you ended up with the chill. Isn't a baby eagle called a Talon?
I think a baby eagle is called a fledgeling. That beach shot looks so sweet. I would give anything to live near a beach. Except the millions of dollars that it costs to do so. Nice pic for Boulder. Looks like he is getting the reputation of being a dirt bag. Sorry Bold, the cat is out of the bag, lol. That's just too funny.
hey, i'm just following oldman's lead!...
oh yah, IronBenny, what about the Flatman? although, i seriously share his sentiment:
Zoom man, Zoom!
Quit saying that it's cold, it's bikini weather!
Hee hee, love the pic for Bold... Bikini indeed, we can't see it! :) I could see how 56 would be WARM, no no, I mean very chilly indeed. Yes, that's it. Cold, frigid. :)
Seriously, It's all what you're used to.
I just looked out my window to see people walking by wearing gloves...hey it's 62*. go figure.
She really is wearing a bikini it's just that my camera phone doesn't have a zoom feature.
"Eaglet," I think....
Howl into that headwind, Oldman. The tailwind can't be far behind. Or ahead. Whatever.
Some cultures call a baby eagle "breakfast" but i think fledgling is correct.
so, you're telling me my escape to sunny Arizona where it's 68 is going to be cold? It's all perspective isn't it? This morning I will run in 25 degrees.
Any time you want to post beach pics-please be our guest. :)
Freezing Oldman? LOL. Are you teasing Bolder?
What a great view from your office. How do you get any work down?
getting work done here is a problem, no one wants to work because it is so nice out. when you go out for lunch you don't want to come back to work. plus most of the people here don't work so friends and neighbors are always asking you to play.
man how do you get any work done living four blocks from a BEACH!
(Do you have binoculars in your office???) :-)
It's 18 degrees here right now. You're getting no sympathy from me!
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