Health News
I'm feeling much better today,I slept in late again so that extra hour sleep seemed to help. I have a headache, just a little nausea, and oh yea two dizzy spells. I was able to ride 15 miles today with an ave speed of 17.6. The docs still don't know what's going on with my brain tumor. I'm set to see an eye doc for the blurry vision.
Cingular Customer (I Don't) Care Department
I had to call Cingular (lowering the bar) regarding our office Treo's..we are having trouble accessing the voicemail via the programmed voicemail key. It needs to be reprogrammed by Cingular via an over-the-air signal... After talking to no less the nine people in 2 hours I'm convinced the Cingular doesn't care. I've been hung up on, transferred without warning, gotten people that have no clue... CUSTOMERS I DON"T CARE so don't call again. BTW It still doesn't work! Cingular, lowering the bar!
Seen on the Road
Twice now I've seen the local Mercedes Benz dealer's "Courtesy Car" except its a Dodge Caravan...What's with that? Not even a Mercedes SUV! Hey if I had a Mercedes S600 I'd want a loaner car not some one to drive me to work in a Dodge van.
You're amazing! I really admire you for sticking to training even when you feel like crap! Makes for no excuses for the rest of us ;)
You seem to be holding up well in the face of adversity. Cingular not the tumor thingy. Glad you could get out on the bike and enjoy yourself for a few minutes
Yay! I'm glad you're feeling better! Good luck with the eye doctor!
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