So this week began our financial audit, ugh! Today two auditors will be with me for the next 3 days. Double Ugh! Perhaps the worse part of the audit is that I have to entertain them during lunch, since we provide a working lunch. So I may or may not be able to slip out for a swim at lunch.
Also because of the audit, I have to get up earlier than normal to get my run in, 5 am. Another number. It was a beautiful day, nice breeze about 7 knots and a great sunrise at 6:43 am. Number. One of those morning your glad you you didn't miss by sleeping in. Even the whiperwills were happy today with their chant "WHIPRRRRRWIL!"
My run started slow with my normal hamstring ache but it worked out at about the two mile mark (number) where I picked up my water bottle (yup I'm back to running with a bottle of endurance since its getting warmer in the morning). It seems it takes 2 miles to loosen up. Numbers?
My run took me to the trail thru the woods along the river but I didn't see any wild life. As I ran thru the woods I wondered about the Panther. A few months back I came accross a Panther on the trail. She went one way I went another. I heard on the news that a Panther was killed crossing the Highway 41 road near my house and I wondered if that was her.
So my 7 miles took me 58 minutes. Not fast but relaxing for a busy numbers day.

If you keep posting entries like that, I'm going to have to get up and run before work!
Morning is the bestest time to run or's cool, no one around and you se great things along the way.
WOW! That's a great time for 7 miles! Can't you just hear your age groupers rattling!?
A panther? Cool! We have a couple of coyotes in the park near me. Run early or late enough and you might see them. It's good to have dangerous critters around-- makes you run faster, LOL!
Puma? In the Western States we call Puma's, Cougars or Mtn. Lions. I actually for a moment got Pumas and Panthers confused. Thanks for the reminder.
I am an auditor of a sorts and spend all my days obsessing over numbers and systems. Actual results versus a Quota. For what I do, I love and could think of doing nothing else. Of course I have a vested interest in my numbers since I'm an owner of the company!
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