Follow an average 70 something cancer and brain tumor survivor as he trains for the Kona Ironman...someday.
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Monday Headaches
One the way back Tony's front wheel developed a noise.... We checked everything even taking it off the bike but couldn't find it. I think it is a loose spoke! As we came to the last stretch, I was beginning to feel tired...But a good tired total ride was 30 miles.
I've finally decided to put a wood floor in the my master bedroom. I chose an oak and Tony helped me pick up the lumber. When I got home, I had to unload everything...ugh. I also bought an arbor for my garden. So I decided top build the arbor and then it hit me... I felt drained and was suddenly tired! I thought maybe I was dehydrated and drank some water, ate a banana and some PowerBar Recovery...then I got a tremendous headache!
Of course I worry that it is my brain tumor getting angry at me for going on a long ride. So after a nights rest with an ice pack on my head, I feel fine...
I didn't run this morning but...I think I'll run tonight when I'm done work.
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Weekend Update
It was a beautiful weekend which started early for me...FRIDAY! Yes I was off Friday so I was able to get a great ride early in the morning. Tony joined me for a good ride of 35 miles. I did spin in the small ring and then change to the big ring. I did some laps in the pool at lunch even though it wasn't on the schedule I felt a little pool time might be fun... I worked on balance least favorite drill. Friday night I went to the Ritz Carlton beach bar for drinks and I took J to the Pazzo for dinner.
Saturday I slept past 6:30 and didn't get out for my run until 7 am! It was already hot, 78* and sunny sooooo...Thank God for fuel belt. I took 2 bottles and started slow and easy. After all it was suppose to be LSD. Once again it took two miles to feel loose. I did 8:30 pace and drank Endurance every mile. It was so hot, I had to keep reminding myself about the pool shower waiting for me at home. I finished up the 14 miles in 2:10 that's with my stop to refill the bottles at the Fitness center. Since I didn't want to be shark bait I went to the beach at 4:00 thinking the sharks would want to feed later. I did the usual 1 hr swim, down to the end of the State Park swim area and back to the No Wake buoy at Docs.
Sunday was the long ride day. Tony and I escaped our regular route to go out on the local roads. It felt good to be able to just go along without slowing for curves and stops I tried to maintain 21 mph. The route we take only has three turns and one stop for 12 miles.. at the 30 miles mark we stopped at the ester Bay boat lunch and had our Cliff bars..then rode back to the college, around the loop and back home. Water is now becoming a problem since the college pool where we fill our water bottles is closed on Sundays. The total for our trip was 61.2 miles.
Weakly Totals
Bike 146
Run 35
Swim 12k plus 1 hr open water
Thursday, May 26, 2005

Since my diagnosis in 2003, I’ve been meaning to tell my friends and family via my blog about Melanoma. Melanoma is a very serious form of skin cancer that begins in the melaocytes (cells that make the skin pigment called melanin). While it accounts for only 4% of all skin cancer, it causes the most cancer related deaths! It is the fastest growing form of cancer and can spread rapidly to other parts of the body including the lymph nods, lungs, colon, eyes and brain. If caught in its early stages it is treatable and highly curable. Left undetected it is deadly.
Perhaps the most famous person to succumb to melanoma was Maureen Reagan, President Reagan’s daughter. Ms Reagan fought melanoma taking interferon of a year and five years after her diagnosis died in 2001. There are others famous people who have survived melanoma they include Troy Aikman, Sam Donaldson, and John McCain. Yet with its easy detection and treatment according to The Melanoma Research Foundation every hour of every day of the year one American dies of melanoma. More young women die of melanoma than any other form of cancer, including breast cancer!
So here’s your homework. Learn the ABCD’s of Melanoma and we will add an E:
A: Asymmetry. The mole is not completely even in appearance.
B: Border. The margins should be even and smooth, without jagged projecting edges.
C: Circumference. The mole should be nice and round, without jagged or sharp edges.
D: Diameter. The size of the mole should not be more than 6 mm measured across the mole. The size of a pencil eraser.
E: Evolving (changes). Any changes over time in size, shape, symptoms (itching, tenderness), surface (bleeding, scaling, inflammation) and shades of color.
So now you know what to look for, LOOK! That's right, stand in front of a mirror with a hand held mirror and look. Check everywhere! Yup there too! The scalp, annus, and the bottom of your feet.
O what day....

O what a night. I was sleeping so well when the alarm went off this morning. I didn't want to get out of bed! It was one of those cold summer nights, you know just as I went to bed a thunderstorm went thru lighting up the sky and shaking the windows and the AC is set low! It rained long enough for me to fall asleep listening to the sound of rain drops. It was cold since I left the AC set at 74*. So as the alarm went off I was huddled under the blankets nice and cozy!
Today was a fartlek run of 10 miles. I took my tennis ball with me to help with the fartlek (you bounce the ball and speed up to catch it and then slow down etc.). Once again it took me 2 miles to get loose and I even did some stretching while the GPS was hunting for a satellite. So from mile 3 to 8 I just kinda played with the ball speeding up and slowing down.., at 8 miles I decided I had had enough of this and just ran and finished up in 93:24 that's with a stop at the Fitness center to full the water jug.
Today is a swim day at lunch...the pool water has been to warm as of's 86* so after a few laps I'm hot...maybe I should bring some ice cubes? Over the weekend I'm going to Bonita Beach (Docs Beach House) so I can swim in the Gulf. I can get a spot to leave my gear then when I'm done I can have a beer or two!
Hey I'm of work tomorrow to make a long 4 day weekend!

Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Brick Day
At 10 miles I jumped to the big ring and tried to keep the cadence at 85. Of course I didn't sprint the straight-a-way but instead tried to keep a steady cadence. For the last 5 miles I went back to the small ring.
The most difficult part was getting off my bike to run. The old legs just don't want to do that but it's good practice. So it was a 3 mile run at 8 min pace...well it was suppose to be 8 min! The first mile was 9:30 ugh!The second was 8:20 and the final was 8:09. Not to bad for the first brick in a long time. So I rode 30 miles and ran 3. I'm going to swim at lunch time and tonight I'm suppose to take a long walk with J.
I think of those guys that train with the NAT (Naples Area Triathletes) that do 45 miles in the morning and hammer. How can they keep that pace? 30 miles seems to be at the edge of my time limit and still get to work on time. I guess I could get up earlier.
BTW...the only thing I saw this morning was a rabbit that ran along side of me for a few seconds. I was afraid he would go in front of me and I'd run over him but he went the other way. It's funny when you are in aero position and concentrating on cadence how you don't see much of anything.
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
This weaks schedule
B -25 miles big gear No Swim No Pilates
R- 7 Zone 3-4
Swim 3k yards
Brick bike 25 run 3 off bike
Swim 3k -
Run 10 mile fartlek
Swim 3k
bike -35 10 mile spin 15 mile big gear 5 spin
Run lsd 15 mile
Swim open water
Ride LSD 60 mile
Bike 145
Run 35 miles
Swim 12 k yards
Weights 2 xs
Snake Day
I did the second mile back to pick up my water bottle in 8:03 and yet my muscles still seemed tight and I wondered if I would ever get loose. Maybe its from the bike that I now have a hard time feeling loose on the run? Maybe I need not Pilates? As I started my third mile one of the ladies of the neighborhood out for her morning walk said hi and commented on what nice legs I have.... to bad there aren't some single ladies out.
I got to the trail (3.5 miles) thru the woods and along the river still trying to maintain an 8 min pace. I was hoping to see Robert our local Bobcat but I haven't seen him for a couple of weeks. I guess in the warmer weather he goes out just at night. I heard he was spotted at 4 am. There were plenty of bugs out...note to self use some bug repellent.
At the 5 mile mark I exited the woods near the fitness center so I too a brief stop to fill my water bottle. There was no one on the dreadmills or bikes, I guess now that season is over the snowbirds have all left. I never could stand to run on a dreadmill.
At 5.5 mile mark I have a decision point. I can go left and add 3 miles to do 10 or continue straight to do 7...since I had to be to work on time and I still feel a little tired I chose the 7... along the way I saw a nice 7 ft black snake slither across the road. Got to the house with a finishing time of 61:04...That's with the refill time at the fitness center since I didn't stop my watch.
I had a few minutes to cool off so I put the robot in the pool so he can vacuum and put some chlorine in the chlorinator. Next to my pool filter I have several large clay pot stacked upside down. Thru the hole of the top pot a black snake was poking his head... when he sensed me he when down into the pots. I'm leaving him alone in hopes that he will eat some rats!
I'm going to swim at lunch and do Pilates after work...any one for a swim?
Monday, May 23, 2005
Weekend Report
Sunday morning just as I got ready to ride Roo it started to drizzle. I don't mind the light rain but I do have to be careful on the paver sections of our development and one turnaround were it is all pavers. Boy are those thing slippery when wet. Just as I finished my warm up Tony and Dr. Steve jumped in to make it a rather fast ride. Half way through the first loop it really started to rain so an aver of 18.6 mph in a downpour is not to bad. On the second loop it stopped raining and I thought the sun would come out but then on the third loop it poured again, ugh! So our long ride ended up a short ride of 35 miles since no one wanted to go on in the rain.
This Weaks Totals
Bike 110 miles
Run 26 miles
Swim 9,000 yards
Pilates 1 time
Weights 1 time
I didn't get to ride this morning since I had a Doc's appointment. I hope to ride after work and swim at lunch but we shall see how that all works out.
My brain surgeon wants another MRI to see how much if any my tumor has grown and he wants me to see an eye doc who specializes in these things, especially since I have a little blurred vision in my left eye. The oncologist want to keep my treatment plan as is so we shall see how that all plays out. Next week I get to see the my dermatologist to check for any new or changing moles and I also get to see my surgeon regarding a new tumor on my back. When will all these trips to the doctors stop?
Thursday, May 19, 2005
I wasn't the only American there. Another neighbor came to the party he's from South Jersey like me and his wife is from Norway, she's Norwayian. So some people spoke English and those that didn't at least tried. The conversations were polite staying away from issues like terrorist in the hood, the UN oil for food program, John Bolton, and airport security for aliens (those from Mar or Venus).
The food was what you would expect at a home of a guy who owns a Salmon farm in Chile. Yup marckrel salad, smoked mackrel, and baked trout as well as smoked salmon. The Caesar shrimp salad was my favs along with the home made pizzas and black beans and rice.
Well after hurricane Charlie several of the local resorts will open (they've been closed since Aug 12, 2004) for Memorial Day weekend with a big parties. A lot of locals are going just to support their business since they lost not only property but a lot of season business from Nov- Apr (their peak time).
Me I'm getting ready for this years hurricane season which begins June 1 by putting in better supplies in my hurricane kit like a battery operated TV and Fan, extra tequila and beer, directions for ice should the power go out for 2 weeks again and I'm emptying my freezer of all food so I don't have anything that can spoil this time. Oh yea...Red wine since it's best served at room temp....It helps taking pictures in 145 mph winds to be drunk. (See drunk pics here taken in 145 mph winds as Charlie passed by).
It has been extremely great weather, the day time highs are 88* and the pool and gulf temp is 81*. The morning lows have been about 68*. Every day there has been a great breeze and the real humidity hasn't gotten here yet but it's coming.
I get to see the oncologist tomorrow we are discussing the interferon treatments. It's always fun seeing her because I feel like I tell her what to do rather than her being aggressive in my treatment plan. Managed health care... I have to manage my health because they don't care except to get paid.
Monday I have a follow up visit with my brain surgeon. I'm sure he will be a bundle of good news probably say well I just don't know let's get another MRI and MRA ($7,000 or a new bike), I'll have a headache from the dye and them well make a decision.
J had some surgery so I had to pick her up from the hospital. I told her to do what I do when I have surgery and take a taxi home but I thought better of it. So I didn't get home until 8 last night and no gym time. So ....
Today was a run day. I was a little tired this morning fortunately I scheduled an easy run of 5 miles, so I did my golf course loop and ran the golf course. I'm swimming on the way home, it if doesn't rain I think I'll stop at Laudermilk Park and swim in the gulf.
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Wednesday Random Thots
- boy its humid
- hey it was a good party last nite and I didn't drink but 2 beers!
- is that dead snake?
- I hope that snake is dead!
- it's hot
- this care behnd me wants to pass but the road is narrow here and he'll force me into the curb so I'll drop a gear speed up to 22 mph and take my half out of the middle of the road!
- I've gotten remember to order that VPN connection for the office
- it is hot and humid
- that guy is going to try to pass me on the right as I get ready after signaling, to turn left...guess I wasn't going fast enough!
- there's the dead snake again...yup he's dead
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
School Night Party
Yup my neighbor from Iceland, that would make him Icelandic and his wife from Chile, that would make her Chilean, are having some friends over for a dinner party. The friends are on vacation from Germany that would make them germanium. They have also invited a couple from down the block she's from Brazil, or Brazilian and he's from Britain, a Britainian! At least there will be some one there that speaks English...I can't even practice my Italian!
so Icelandic, Spanish, German, Portuguese, English....The Tower of Babel all over again. I'm confused!
I kinda don't want to go, I'd rather go to the pool.
This is the last year that the Germans will be allowed into our country unless the German government changes their passports to accept the new required barcode. So I guess we can celebrate?

Today was a hot and humid morning with the temperature at 74* when I left the house for my 7 mile run. As I started my run today I thought of how accidents can happen while your training, perhaps because my butt muscle was hurting and has never hurt before today. Or perhaps because Jeff of boingoblog wrote about running in a very rural if not remote area alone.
So what can happen? Most notable dehydration, heat related illness and even exhaustion. I take PowerBar Endurance with me on most of my runs over 5 miles especially here in Florida because you get dehydrated so quickly.
Equipment failures can happen, I have had I don't know who many flats, once while on a trip miles from the hotel where I was staying, with out a cell phone. I try to keep my bike in the best of condition even taking her to the bike shop regularly for maintaince and replacing worn tires after 4,000 miles. Yet accidents happen. As happened to Chris Sandowski of Kona fame pictured above. As you know he was hit by a motorcycle at the 107 mile make of the bike course.
(See Chris's full story here).
So when I think of Kona how hot and humid it is with the winds along Kings Highway and the afternoon thunderstorms, I think hey southwest Florida is a pretty good place to train since the weather is some much like Kona, however I remind myself of Chris Sandowski, accidents can happen even in Kona.

Monday, May 16, 2005
Weekend Report
It was a glorious morning Saturday with the temp just right for running. I did one loop of my regular bike route and the warm up route to make it 14 miles. Then a quick shower and preperation for the dinner party that I had Saturday nite.
The rest of the day was spent getting ready for the dinner party (Dinner for Eight or D48) but my eight people ended up being nine. So I didn't want to put the second leaf in my table so I put two people at the head of the table to may everyone fit. Since my theme was Italian...My menu was totally Italian. Here's what I made... Mozzarella and tomatoes with fresh basil & EVOO (extra virgin olive oil), breasetta on crustini, mixed green salad with a strawberry vinergrette, and for the main course.. Oldman's Mediterranean Chicken (chicken breasts with black & green olives, sundried tomatoes & raisins), Risotto Milanesse and Carrots with Italian herbs. I served a Tuscan red wine Monte Antioch. Dessert was Cannolis with coffee....
I met Tony for our weakly LSD ride. The morning temp was just right for a nice ride. We just did an easy tempo for 55 miles although I did see 24 mph on the straight-a-way. The rest of the day, after I cleaned my china and stemware putting the dining room table back together etc., was spent relaxing around and in the pool. I didn't feel like doing much of anything.
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Flag & Pole
Seen on the Drive to Work
Every notice the weird things you see on the way to work. It makes me wonder sometimes about people and life. Why just today I looked in my review mirror and saw a gray Lexus behind me (I know nothing special). Except in the passenger seat the person was some what reclining...Not all the way back but almost. Her face was covered in bandages! White tape! Like a mummy. SO..I figure she just had a face life and her dutiful husband was driving her home. I tried taking her pic...but it didn't work out. Weird.
It was another beautiful day this morning. So I ran my regular 7 miles. Nothing exciting. Swim at lunch, Pilates after work.
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Randon Thots Wednesday

So I took a walk this morning to the Post Office to mail some of the office mail. As I entered the P.O. I noticed the above sign "No Dogs Allowed Except Seeing Eye Dogs" Wow I didn't know those seeing eye dogs could read or maybe they put the sign there for the blind person to read so they would know it is OK for their dog to lead them inside?

So today was a cycling day and another day I didn't feel like getting out of bed! But I forced myself and found that it was another beautiful day! The temp was just right. I started out in the small ring spinning at 80 bpm to get to 18 once I got loose it was a good ride. Of course Tony was late so I did the first loop without him. He had to submit an order for his business. so what's more important cycling in the morning or doing work in the morning? cycling of course! So I did 25 miles with an ave of 18.6 mph.
So I spoke with J, my once fiance, she told me there was no reason to get married since 1. I have a brain tumor, 2. I have cancer, 3. I get lyphomas, and 4. I have no money. And here I thot love and good looks was enough! Only two life threatening issues what wrong with that?

Tuesday, May 10, 2005
So this week began our financial audit, ugh! Today two auditors will be with me for the next 3 days. Double Ugh! Perhaps the worse part of the audit is that I have to entertain them during lunch, since we provide a working lunch. So I may or may not be able to slip out for a swim at lunch.
Also because of the audit, I have to get up earlier than normal to get my run in, 5 am. Another number. It was a beautiful day, nice breeze about 7 knots and a great sunrise at 6:43 am. Number. One of those morning your glad you you didn't miss by sleeping in. Even the whiperwills were happy today with their chant "WHIPRRRRRWIL!"
My run started slow with my normal hamstring ache but it worked out at about the two mile mark (number) where I picked up my water bottle (yup I'm back to running with a bottle of endurance since its getting warmer in the morning). It seems it takes 2 miles to loosen up. Numbers?
My run took me to the trail thru the woods along the river but I didn't see any wild life. As I ran thru the woods I wondered about the Panther. A few months back I came accross a Panther on the trail. She went one way I went another. I heard on the news that a Panther was killed crossing the Highway 41 road near my house and I wondered if that was her.
So my 7 miles took me 58 minutes. Not fast but relaxing for a busy numbers day.

Monday, May 09, 2005
Happy Birthday

Today is Kermit the Frog's birthday! Happy Birthday Kermie!
Reflecting back on this weaks training, it has been just that weak! Goals and goal setting re-evaluation time for me. I need to get serious with my training plan. So the goals for this weak are as follows:
Bike: 3 x 25 miles plus 1 lsd of 50 miles total 125 miles
Run: 3 x 7 miles plus one lsd of 14 miles total 35 miles
Swim 3 x 3k yards plus 1 lsd 6k yards total 15k yards
Weights Twice
Pilates Twice
So this weaks schedule looks like:
AM Lunch Time Afterwork
Mon: Bike 25 Swim 3k Weights
Tues: Run 7 Swim 3k Pilates
Wed: Bike 25 Run 7 Weights
Thurs Run 7 Swim 3k Pilates
Fri: Bike 25 Swim LSD
Sat Run LSD
Sun Bike Lsd
Numbers for Last weak:
Bike: 100 miles
Run: 15 miles
Swim: 3k yards
Weights: none
Pilates: None
Friday, May 06, 2005
Phriday Phun

Today's high is to be in the low 80's with very low (for Florida) humidity since the cold front went thru last nite. The temp was 68* when I left the house for my ride this morning. The birds were singing, I could hear a whiperwill off in the distance. I had to chase a bunny out of the garage since he was waiting for me to open the door so he could hop, hop, then run into the garage. So it is a beautiful day and why can't I have a beautiful ride?
I started out in the small ring to get warmed up for the first two miles spinning at 85 bpm. Then I met Tony who had already done one loop so he was warmed up. I changed to the big ring trying to maintain 80 bpm and my right leg started aching! ugh whats with this? It finally worked its way out when we got to the straight-a-way but no blistering spee. The fastest I could maintain on the straight-a-way was 26.8 but it was my first pass. Maybe to much cinco de mayo last nite?
Well the ride ended to soon since I had to go to work...20 miles at an ave 18.6 mph. Swim at lunch today.
When I got to the office and walked from the parking garage to the building my leg cramped! felt like a lake of sodium but I drank my fluids and I'm sure after last nite I've had enough salt!
This weekend looks like some work around the house and a long run on Sat 14 miles and a LSD ride on Sunday perhaps 60 miles. Hopefully I'll get to the beach Sunday afternoon for some open water swimming. The water temp is 80*.
Phriday question...
Any body know anything about interferon treatments? I'm told they last 1 year? Starting with 5 weeks of iv threapy then self injections for 1 year.

Thursday, May 05, 2005
Cinco de Mayo
After the Mexican loss of the Mexican-American War 1846-48 (Remember the Alamo!) Mexico was literally bankrupt and suspended payment of it's foreign debt for two years to England, Spain and France. None of those countries wanted to allow Mexico to miss a payment so they each sent troops to collect the debt by any means possible. Eventually Spain and England gave up but Nappy, Napoleon III, in response to Americas Monroe Doctrine stayed occupying Mexico!
Finally in 1862 the French army made its move but General Ignacio Zaragoza led 5,000 Mestizo and Zapotec Indians and beat the French in the Battle of Puebla on the 5th of May or Cinco de Mayo! So it's not their independence day which is Sept 10, 1810...52 years earlier...but kicked France's a$$ day. Which is a good reason to celebrate!
So I'm going to a Cinco de Mayo Party tonight! Whohoo! Maybe I can find a dance partner! Anybody do the somba?
On a better note, I ran today only 4 miles but inspite of the humidity it was a good run...In 41 minutes. I was hoping to swim at lunch but they say lightening and thunder storms ....outside pools in no swim.
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Random Thots Wednesday
Health News
I'm feeling much better today,I slept in late again so that extra hour sleep seemed to help. I have a headache, just a little nausea, and oh yea two dizzy spells. I was able to ride 15 miles today with an ave speed of 17.6. The docs still don't know what's going on with my brain tumor. I'm set to see an eye doc for the blurry vision.
Cingular Customer (I Don't) Care Department
I had to call Cingular (lowering the bar) regarding our office Treo's..we are having trouble accessing the voicemail via the programmed voicemail key. It needs to be reprogrammed by Cingular via an over-the-air signal... After talking to no less the nine people in 2 hours I'm convinced the Cingular doesn't care. I've been hung up on, transferred without warning, gotten people that have no clue... CUSTOMERS I DON"T CARE so don't call again. BTW It still doesn't work! Cingular, lowering the bar!
Seen on the Road
Twice now I've seen the local Mercedes Benz dealer's "Courtesy Car" except its a Dodge Caravan...What's with that? Not even a Mercedes SUV! Hey if I had a Mercedes S600 I'd want a loaner car not some one to drive me to work in a Dodge van.
Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Do you ever have that blah feeling? My cold lingers and so I haven't been able to train as I would like which also brings on the blahs. My daughter came for the weekend (why is it when people think your going to die they feel the need to visit?) so even though I didn't feel good I pushed my self to do things with her. We spent some of the time playing tourist. Such as Friday night I packed a picnic dinner and we went to the beach for sunset. I must say it was a beautiful sunset (see pic above).
But I just feel blah...blah... I slept in today hoping the extra hour sleep would help. But nope... I have a call in to my oncologist to have blood drawn to make sure everything is in balance. Ugh. I'm going at lunch so no swim today... blah.
So my plan is to run tonight after work!