
It's all about timing.... Yesterday and today I've noticed a slight change. The tourist season which runs in Naples from Jan 15 to April 15 closed early this year. A lot of our "snowbirds" went home early for Easter. Remember it's all about timing...Easter was early this year, March 27, they change it every year unlike Christmas, it is always Dec. 25th. I'm always confused about the timing of Easter but never Christmas.
So since Easter was early, a lot of the snowbirds went home early. This means the traffic jams due to the snowbirds going to breakfast and tee times when I'm driving to work, or the snowbirds going to the early bird dinner specials before dark when I'm driving home has lessened. The timing of their departure has left the roads with less traffic.
But enter timing.... Yesterday I noticed a change in timing! The Naples City Fathers changed the timing of the traffic lights. Since snowbird season is over, the lights are now on a summer timing schedule. You know summer? Summer is when no one is in Naples due to the heat and humidity, except us poor working people. Therefore in the summer there is no traffic at all.
But it's not summer! It's April and there are a few tourist, rich people and other non-working people. People who went home for Easter and came back on their private jets, or came via the airlines, or, God forbid, drove back. So the timing of the timing change was the WRONG TIME!
This morning it took me three, take the time to count them, one, two, three light changes to get thru the intersection. The timing is messed up! And not just one intersection but 4! It has never happened like this until yesterday and now today. The timing of the lights is short...two or three cars can get thru....TIMING!
So next year, please change the timing of Easter rather than the timing of the lights!
The Naples City Fathers? That'd be a great name for a band.
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