Why do I feel sick today? I was awake at 2:30 am with a sore throat and headache. I've felt this cold coming on. It started after I got home from New Jersey on Monday night. The stracthy throat feeling. Then the achy joint feeling. The question is did I get it from over training? Contray to popular opinion there is a fine line between fintess and illness.
So I've had some good runs and rides. Tuesday even though I was tired I was able to run 7 miles. Perhaps I should have done less and then I wouldn't be sick? Yesterday I rode in the rain, did that cause me to be worse? NAH... I didn't run today and I feel guilty and sick. But it was all I could do to get out of bed to get to work on time let alone run at 5:30 after not sleeping.
So what should I do run/ride/swim thru a cold? Take some time off and drink orange juice? Maybe some chicken soup? I hate being sick like this!
Well coming from a guy who is still coughing from pneumonia as he writes this, give yourself a day to sort it out.
If it stays above your neck and your sinuses aren't busting a migraine, go for it. If its in your chest or you start coughing phlegm then go to the doc and get checked out. If I had done that eariler instead of gutting it out for three weekends in denial I would be training now.
Conventional runner's wisdom says: Take time off if you have below-the-neck symptoms (e.g., achy joints, chest congestion) until those symptoms go away. And DON'T feel guilty about it!!! Put your feet up, watch some movies!
I agree with both commodore and nancytoby. Give yourself a break so your body can work on getting better.
Durtee Martini has a good story of a coach who had to have his lung removed because he ran when he had pneumonia. I'll ruin her fun and go ahead and give you the link to the story.
Oh, and I hope you feel better soon! I had those same symptoms a few weeks ago and Claritin D works wonders.
Hope you feel better soon!
if i were you, i'd blame new jersey. between the cold weather and the toxic dumping grounds, i'm sure that's where your illness came from!
take a couple of days off, kick back, then get back into it.
Hey, take some Zinc -- it works wonders ;) Feel better!!!
How are you doing today? Still sick? Hope things are improving for you!!
Great blog!
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