It was an eventful ride today with Tony posing as Lance Armstrong in his Discovery Channel jersey and shorts. As you know we try to catch and pass golf carts that are on the way to the golf course. This morning one of the golf course maintenance workers in a gas cart, which is a little faster than an electric cart, was ahead of us. You guessed it, head down, drop a gear and sprint to over take the cart. Only this time just as we went to go around the cart the driver decided to make a u-turn into us! Fortunately I have a loud mouth and yelled YO! which made him stop. Tony went left, I went right and missed an accident.
Then on the final leg of our ride Tony was pulling us along quite nicely at 24.5 when he slowed indicating it was time for me to pull. As I rounded Tony I hit bee or a bee hit me on the lip. So I was trying to maintain speed, control the bike while getting a killer bee off my lip. Well I don't need any collogen in my lower lip. Ouch!

So our 25 mile ride at an ave speed of 18.4 mph ended with a pain in the lip. I'm planning on swimming at lunch and running on the dreadmill tonight at the fitness center.
OUCH...this kind of scares me since I am allergic to bees and wasps. I have always been a little afraid of that happening while on the bike!
That's gotta smart!
it really hurt early on but now (1:00 pm) it is just a dull ache... of course tonight i'll soak it in tequila
pucker up Oldman.
owieeeee, poor baby...and people actually spend $$$ to have fat lips :-D
Bleah. Bee stings. No fun.
Bees and their kin love me for reasons I don't understand. Why? Maybe I'm a bee goddess and don't know it. I'll talk to them about their disrespectful behavior towards you. :-)
Seriously, that must have really hurt. Hope the swelling goes away soon.
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