Since I have already done my good deed for the day, don’t expect any more today! While leaving my street on the way to work the above turtle was crossing the road so I pick him up and moved him to safer ground.
This is the end of turtle nesting season here in Southwest Florida. Many of the gopher turtles try to cross the streets and become road kill for us to watch on the bike. This is also the Loggerhead Sea Turtle nesting season. The sea turtles come back to their birthplace to lay eggs. Some turtles come back after 30 years of being whereever they go. Here in Southwest Florida you will see nests marked by stakes and yellow “crime scene” tape to keep people from stepping on the eggs or disturbing the nest. During hatching season volunteers help the newly hatched baby turtles “find” the gulf.

I have a friend who spent a summer on the Mexican coast with a night watch group that chases away sea turtle poachers. She filled me in on more details about how her buddy on her shift was a hot guy... and you wouldn't believe the things you can do on an ATV. I digress....
As a lover of animals and coming from a family of Wildlife agents I applaud your good deed. However I believe kidnapping a loggerhead turtle and moving him from his position is a violition of the statitory charges pending code 8675-309. I have forwarded your post to the proper authorities. They should be knocking on your door right about...
Awwwe, how sweet! That was very cool of you to stop for the turtle. I always feel bad when I see animals trying to cross the road. We invaded their home and built a road and then expect them to find another route. Way to go!
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