My Christmas Vacation started with a nightmare. Tony took me to the airport thursday night December pleanty of time for our 8:40 pm flight. After check in I discovered the plane to RSW was delayed...delayed due to weather in Newark, The plane was to arrive at 7:30 and leave again at 8:40. After much waiting, watching Lord of The Rings on the puter and waiting and waiting the 7:30 plane arrived at 12:30 am Friday and we left at 1:300 for a 3:45 am arival in Newark.
Even worst was the cold ! When I left Estero it was 75*. When I arrived in Newark it was a balmy 26*...needless to say I was cold!
Training is taking a vacation!
Follow an average 70 something cancer and brain tumor survivor as he trains for the Kona Ironman...someday.
Monday, December 27, 2004
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Weakly Totals
This past week was a little disappointing, I've been tired and it has been chilly by Florida standards. Sunday was down right cold in the morning, 45* at 7 am!
Looking forward to 2005 and keeping with my goals I did sign up for St. Anthony's and I'm considering Walt Disney Half Ironman in May so far here is my schedule:
Jan 8, 20056 Tour de Cape 100 mile Bike Race
Jan 23, 2005 Naples Half Marathon
Feb 12, 2005 Chilly Willy Duathlon
March 6, 2005 Bay to Bay Classic - 12k run
April 25, 2005 St. Anthony's Triathlon - Oly distance
May 22, 2005 Florida Half Ironman
June Publix Fitness Tri Series - sprint
July Publix Fitness Tri Series - sprint
September Publix Fitness Tri Series - sprint
Oct 9, 2005 Steamtown Marathon - Boston qualifier
November Great Florida Triathlon -Ironman distance
Here are the Weakly Totals for the Week ending 12/12
Bike : 130 miles
Run : 17 miles
Swim: 1,000 yrds
Weights 1 x
Pilates 0
Looking forward to 2005 and keeping with my goals I did sign up for St. Anthony's and I'm considering Walt Disney Half Ironman in May so far here is my schedule:
Jan 8, 20056 Tour de Cape 100 mile Bike Race
Jan 23, 2005 Naples Half Marathon
Feb 12, 2005 Chilly Willy Duathlon
March 6, 2005 Bay to Bay Classic - 12k run
April 25, 2005 St. Anthony's Triathlon - Oly distance
May 22, 2005 Florida Half Ironman
June Publix Fitness Tri Series - sprint
July Publix Fitness Tri Series - sprint
September Publix Fitness Tri Series - sprint
Oct 9, 2005 Steamtown Marathon - Boston qualifier
November Great Florida Triathlon -Ironman distance
Here are the Weakly Totals for the Week ending 12/12
Bike : 130 miles
Run : 17 miles
Swim: 1,000 yrds
Weights 1 x
Pilates 0
Monday, December 13, 2004
Broken Treo
Well I went and did it.... I dropped my Treo! The screen looks weird! I can't use it and will be getting a new one in a few days. But I find it hard to live without my Treo. I read my emails onthe way to work. Use Verichat to IM people. Surf the web on the way home and read the Philly papers. I even use it for work having Outlook and all of my contacts. I've been using a laptop for a few days instead of my Treo. It works great when your near a wireless connection. But it just isn't the same as the Treo.
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Weakly Totals
Last week was a little here's the upddate
Run 20 miles
Bike 150 miles
Swim 1,000 yds didn't feel like swimming much
I registered for the St Anthony's Triathlon in April. It's an olympic distance Tri.... Also for the Tour de Cape Jan 8, it's a 100 mile race (not a ride) and the Naples half marathon Jan 23 (this year I think Joe Bonness is in my age group!).
Run 20 miles
Bike 150 miles
Swim 1,000 yds didn't feel like swimming much
I registered for the St Anthony's Triathlon in April. It's an olympic distance Tri.... Also for the Tour de Cape Jan 8, it's a 100 mile race (not a ride) and the Naples half marathon Jan 23 (this year I think Joe Bonness is in my age group!).
Josh Called
Josh, he's my youngest, called from Iraqi where he is serving in the Army in a forward communications unit. Satilites are us! He may be coming home in January IF he doesn't get exteneded and then will come to visit with me in Feb for a couple of weeks.
Birthday Colonoscopy
I've been a little lax about updating my bog soooo.....
Hey it was my birthday Sunday....the 15th anniversary of my 39th birthday...54! I watched the Eagles beat Green Bay whoa! GO EAGLES>>>>
The oncologist has been on me about getting a colonoscopy. I kinda don't like things that don't belong there being pushed up I've putting it off. So I made a pact with myself to get all of my medical done in tax year 2004 so hopefully I can get a deduction for these expenses....
The doc doing the colonoscopy said the prep was worst than the test and he's right! I had to take 2 laxatives and then mix this stuff with gatorade and drink 8 oz every 30 minutes. He didn't menton you can't get to far from the bathroom. I didn't sleep well and my test was a 10:20 am so it was a long night. I had a little trouble getting some one to take me to the test since I couldn't drive one wants to sit about for 3 I bribed Joanne with a dinner at a resturant of her choice IF she would drive me home.
The doc was 1 hr behind schedule sooooo since my test was at 10:20 I didn't get in until 12 (an hour huh?) They put me out completely...the nurse said they found this best because people tend to scream and they have even had people crawl off the table....but it was a pleasent sleep. No dreams....
When I awoke the doc came to see me and yup you know me, they found something....he said he would sent the results to my surgeon and oncologist and he call me in 7 days or so with the results. I just don't want to poop into a bag.....kinda will mess up swimming.
When I got home there was a message from yet another doctor, my favorite painful giving doc the dermatologist. I had an appintment I had forgotten off Tuesday to see Dr. Hurt. He did a full body scan, which means he looked EVERYWHERE! (yup everywhere). On the site of my first melanoma, which was the size of bagel and he removed with a local OCH, he found a growth growing about the size of a golf ball. He dosen't want to remove it this time, thank God. I think he was a little surprise since the nurse asked him if that was normal and he siad no way.... So I have to see the cocktail mixer and the oncologist and my surgeon.
Hey it was my birthday Sunday....the 15th anniversary of my 39th birthday...54! I watched the Eagles beat Green Bay whoa! GO EAGLES>>>>
The oncologist has been on me about getting a colonoscopy. I kinda don't like things that don't belong there being pushed up I've putting it off. So I made a pact with myself to get all of my medical done in tax year 2004 so hopefully I can get a deduction for these expenses....
The doc doing the colonoscopy said the prep was worst than the test and he's right! I had to take 2 laxatives and then mix this stuff with gatorade and drink 8 oz every 30 minutes. He didn't menton you can't get to far from the bathroom. I didn't sleep well and my test was a 10:20 am so it was a long night. I had a little trouble getting some one to take me to the test since I couldn't drive one wants to sit about for 3 I bribed Joanne with a dinner at a resturant of her choice IF she would drive me home.
The doc was 1 hr behind schedule sooooo since my test was at 10:20 I didn't get in until 12 (an hour huh?) They put me out completely...the nurse said they found this best because people tend to scream and they have even had people crawl off the table....but it was a pleasent sleep. No dreams....
When I awoke the doc came to see me and yup you know me, they found something....he said he would sent the results to my surgeon and oncologist and he call me in 7 days or so with the results. I just don't want to poop into a bag.....kinda will mess up swimming.
When I got home there was a message from yet another doctor, my favorite painful giving doc the dermatologist. I had an appintment I had forgotten off Tuesday to see Dr. Hurt. He did a full body scan, which means he looked EVERYWHERE! (yup everywhere). On the site of my first melanoma, which was the size of bagel and he removed with a local OCH, he found a growth growing about the size of a golf ball. He dosen't want to remove it this time, thank God. I think he was a little surprise since the nurse asked him if that was normal and he siad no way.... So I have to see the cocktail mixer and the oncologist and my surgeon.
Friday, December 03, 2004
Kids Visit and Busch Gardens

The kids and grandkids came down to visit for Thanksgiving. Actually they arrived the Saturday before T-day and left the Saturday after. Needless to say my training schedule was a little disrupted. I did run on Satuday and did a 20 mile bike on Sunday but after that it was somewhat down hill.
Sunday I had my riding partner, his wife and their rabbit, Mango, come over for dessert and drinks. Then my neighbor on the west side and her husband dropped in at the same time so the party was on....with beer, wine and Scotch. No a good combination if you want to get up Monday at 6:30 to ride.

Thursday, December 02, 2004
Friday, November 19, 2004
Crazies on the Road
Well I guess it's that time of year in Florida. It beautiful, warm and always sunny. As you ride around communities you find people walking their dogs, walkers, joggers and bikers. But the warm weather brings out the Crazies! It is those seasonal people who come to Florida for vacation or the season and don't know how to drive. It not just old people either. Crazies are the people who do really stupid things around people riding on bikes, therefore I call it Crazies Season.
Take this morning. It was a beautiful morning 68* and sunny. I saw two otters crossing the road to get into the lakes. The birds were singing and the yup the crazies were out already at 7 am! I was just going along minding my own business enjoying the morning cruising along at a comfortable 20 mph when all of the sudden a green Mercedes pulls out of a driveway in front of me. Like he didn't even stop or hesitate or anything from garage door to street non-stop! Ok I'm happy its a nice morning I just saw two otters playfully cross the road.
As I follow the green Mercedes I'm about two car lengths behind him just keeping up with him when we come to a T intersection. You know the kind you either go left or right and straight is not an option. I notice the green Mercedes has no turn signal (perhaps Chyrsler didn't put turn singals on that model or it was an option) so it's guess time. Where is he going? My vote is left towards the country club to play golf because it's that time of day and that's were most men who are awake at this time of the morning are headed. But it's just a guess.
As I'm contemplating how to get thru the intersection without unclipping my shoe from the pedal, I notice there is a man walking on the other street carrying his golf clubs. Now this is strange. Strange because first of all no one walks to the country club carrying golf clubs...It's just not done! Put the clubs in a car drive the mile or use an electric cart and drive but don't walk. Second it's strange because he is actually carrying the the clubs.
Well as I approach the intersection I move to the right because I assumed the green Mercedes was turning left. But low and behold have now pulls to the right curb on to the shoulder then the grass a stops and opens his trunk all in one motion. He's blocking the intersection with an open trunk, I on the right, thinking I'm going to pass on his right as he turns left, so I now move to the left to pass him on the left when he throws open the drivers door into my lane! Smooth move exlax!
Why did he stop? to pick up the guy carrying his golf clubs of course! Why did he open the trunk? To put said golf clubs in the trunk. Why did he open the door? To stand at the rear of his car while the other guy put the clubs in. Or to make me dodge his door!
So...Stay awake because it is Crazies Season!
Take this morning. It was a beautiful morning 68* and sunny. I saw two otters crossing the road to get into the lakes. The birds were singing and the yup the crazies were out already at 7 am! I was just going along minding my own business enjoying the morning cruising along at a comfortable 20 mph when all of the sudden a green Mercedes pulls out of a driveway in front of me. Like he didn't even stop or hesitate or anything from garage door to street non-stop! Ok I'm happy its a nice morning I just saw two otters playfully cross the road.
As I follow the green Mercedes I'm about two car lengths behind him just keeping up with him when we come to a T intersection. You know the kind you either go left or right and straight is not an option. I notice the green Mercedes has no turn signal (perhaps Chyrsler didn't put turn singals on that model or it was an option) so it's guess time. Where is he going? My vote is left towards the country club to play golf because it's that time of day and that's were most men who are awake at this time of the morning are headed. But it's just a guess.
As I'm contemplating how to get thru the intersection without unclipping my shoe from the pedal, I notice there is a man walking on the other street carrying his golf clubs. Now this is strange. Strange because first of all no one walks to the country club carrying golf clubs...It's just not done! Put the clubs in a car drive the mile or use an electric cart and drive but don't walk. Second it's strange because he is actually carrying the the clubs.
Well as I approach the intersection I move to the right because I assumed the green Mercedes was turning left. But low and behold have now pulls to the right curb on to the shoulder then the grass a stops and opens his trunk all in one motion. He's blocking the intersection with an open trunk, I on the right, thinking I'm going to pass on his right as he turns left, so I now move to the left to pass him on the left when he throws open the drivers door into my lane! Smooth move exlax!
Why did he stop? to pick up the guy carrying his golf clubs of course! Why did he open the trunk? To put said golf clubs in the trunk. Why did he open the door? To stand at the rear of his car while the other guy put the clubs in. Or to make me dodge his door!
So...Stay awake because it is Crazies Season!
Monday, November 15, 2004
Another Fall

This morning while doing, my 2 mile warm-up lap on my bike, I hit a slippery patch of road while trying to go around a speed bump I went down. I noticed my left pinky finger was making a left turn. Assessing that it was dislocated and not broken, I pulled it back in place. Now it's just purple! I also have road rash on the left side of my body.
Steve joined us for our ride today. While it's nice to have another person pull into the wind, Steve is stronger and faster than me so it was quite a workout. Often we were going 22 -24 mph. Hey he's also 20 years younger.
This past week has been a slow week in training, although I feel like I'm getting a little faster on the bike. My ave speed has gone up and I recover faster. Now if I could just get faster on the run.
Saturday after my run and swim, I met up with Joanne and took a tennis lesson. It's a lot of fun chasing the ball around the court. My hamstrings don't seem to like it though.
Sunday I met up with Tony for our LSD ride. Although I feel like we are not going slow but jump in going as fast as we can. We did the Pelcian Sound Loop then debated given the pending rain on going out on the roads. We decided to stay in and modify our course adding extras to the various circles we go around. I ended with 40 miles with an average of 18.4 mph.
This weaks totals:
Bike: 130 miles
Run: 17 miles
Swim: 6,200 yards
Weights 2 xs
Pilates 1xs
Hours total 19

Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Weather Has Changed
This week the weather has really changed. Friday we had a brief shower, during my ride of course, and a cool front go through. The humidity has dropped, I've turned off the air conditioner and opened the doors. It's so pleasent to have the breeze go thru the house. The day time highs are about 82 and lows about 62.
This week Tony had a home show and was not suppose to ride on Sunday so I had planned a long slow ride around my community about 6 loops for 60 miles. But Tony did make a brief appearence which help me get thru my ride. After my ride I planned tennis for an hour which was a good change for my muscles.
Saturday was the Florida Ironman, which meant the registration for next years race, which I wanted to do, opened on Sunday. It filled in 9 hours! Yup, I was to late to register. Back to the drawing board.
Weakly Totals:
Bike: 150 miles
Run: 17 miles
Swim: 6,200 yrds
Weights 2 xs
Pilates 2xs
Hours total 21
I'm concerned about my running totals give the approaching half marathon in January. But I don't want to back off on my bike since I have the century race in January. I'm thinking about doubling up on my run days to have two run workouts. While this adds miles, I'm not sure about the long milage and on one run to develop the slowtwitch muscles. I guess I have to increase my long run as well.
This week Tony had a home show and was not suppose to ride on Sunday so I had planned a long slow ride around my community about 6 loops for 60 miles. But Tony did make a brief appearence which help me get thru my ride. After my ride I planned tennis for an hour which was a good change for my muscles.
Saturday was the Florida Ironman, which meant the registration for next years race, which I wanted to do, opened on Sunday. It filled in 9 hours! Yup, I was to late to register. Back to the drawing board.
Weakly Totals:
Bike: 150 miles
Run: 17 miles
Swim: 6,200 yrds
Weights 2 xs
Pilates 2xs
Hours total 21
I'm concerned about my running totals give the approaching half marathon in January. But I don't want to back off on my bike since I have the century race in January. I'm thinking about doubling up on my run days to have two run workouts. While this adds miles, I'm not sure about the long milage and on one run to develop the slowtwitch muscles. I guess I have to increase my long run as well.
Monday, November 01, 2004
Swimming with Dolphins
I went to St. Pete Beach Thursday thru Saturday. I was able to run before I left on Thrusday but I missed my ride on Friday, instead I swam 1/2 mile in the open gulf off St. Pete Beach. While swimming I stopped to adjust my goggles and there was 3 dolphins about 10 ft away! How kewl is that? I guess they were wondering about this old guy swimming or maybe there were keeping the sharks away.
In the afternoon I went to register for the Suncoast Triathlon to be held Saturday at Ft. DeSoto. It was a limited sprint triathlon for 300 athletes. With USTA registration and race registration it was $90. Since I would probably finish dead last I decided to save the $90.
Saturday which was suppose to be my race, I took a long ride along the beach at St. Pete Beach down to Pass-A-Grille and then over the bridge toward Ft. DeSoto. At about 20 miles from the hotel, I picked up a screw in my rear tire. Yup another flat tire one of three in four weeks! UGH. I tired to patch it but ended up putting in a new tube. After changing the tire, I headed back. On the way I saw a pack of roadies (about 20) and not one waved to me on my tri-bike. Snobs?
Tony and I did our usual Sunday ride to Coconut point and back. I got my 50 miles but I was tired.
Weakly Totals:
Bike: 130 miles
Run: 12 miles
Swim: 3,200 yrds ??? not sure since I swam about 1/2 mile in the gulf
Weights 1 x
Pilates none
Goals for this weak:
1. Eat more healthy foods and staying on my nutrition plan... 4,100 calories
2. Drink more fluids..I feel a little dehydrated....1 gal of water per day!
3. Stay with my training plan... Increase Saturdays run to 12 to 15 miles.
In the afternoon I went to register for the Suncoast Triathlon to be held Saturday at Ft. DeSoto. It was a limited sprint triathlon for 300 athletes. With USTA registration and race registration it was $90. Since I would probably finish dead last I decided to save the $90.
Saturday which was suppose to be my race, I took a long ride along the beach at St. Pete Beach down to Pass-A-Grille and then over the bridge toward Ft. DeSoto. At about 20 miles from the hotel, I picked up a screw in my rear tire. Yup another flat tire one of three in four weeks! UGH. I tired to patch it but ended up putting in a new tube. After changing the tire, I headed back. On the way I saw a pack of roadies (about 20) and not one waved to me on my tri-bike. Snobs?
Tony and I did our usual Sunday ride to Coconut point and back. I got my 50 miles but I was tired.
Weakly Totals:
Bike: 130 miles
Run: 12 miles
Swim: 3,200 yrds ??? not sure since I swam about 1/2 mile in the gulf
Weights 1 x
Pilates none
Goals for this weak:
1. Eat more healthy foods and staying on my nutrition plan... 4,100 calories
2. Drink more fluids..I feel a little dehydrated....1 gal of water per day!
3. Stay with my training plan... Increase Saturdays run to 12 to 15 miles.
Trick or Treat!!!!!
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Hey... I voted Saturday!!!!!
I forgot, I voted Saturday at the Supervisor of Elections Office in Bonita Springs. It was a pleasure using the new Touchscreen. Other than a 20 page ballot it was not hard at all. With all the hoopla going on here about long line at the polls on election day and students being recruited at FGCU by the Dems to disrupt the old folks in line, I was concerned about having time to vote on Tuesday. So I drove over and did the early vote. Hey it was easy and there were no UN Inspectors nor Jimmy Carter or Jessie Jackson. So like they say in Chicago vote early and often.
Another week down
Sunday's ride was frustrating again. I met Tony at 6:50 am, while it was still dark, for our Sunday long ride. Our goal was to go to Florida Gulf Coast University then up to Ft. Myers and home. However at 30 miles it happened again, Tony was on my wheel when he noticed the back tire was going flat. I stopped and added some air hoping that would hold it but luck was not with me. I had to stop a short while later at FGCU campus to change the tire. What is it with Sunday rides that I get a flat? We finished up around the campus and headed home since I was out of air and had no more spare tubes. We did 45 miles... which doesn't help my weakly totals.
Here's this weaks totals:
Bike: 130 miles
Run: 24 miles
Swim 6,200 yds
Weights 2xs
Pilates 1x
I have to go up to St. Pete's Beach which is 2 hours north for three days. I'm thinking about taking my bike and stuff to do the Suscoast Tri on Saturday at Ft. DeSoto. Might be fun, but it will disrupt my schedule.
Here's this weaks totals:
Bike: 130 miles
Run: 24 miles
Swim 6,200 yds
Weights 2xs
Pilates 1x
I have to go up to St. Pete's Beach which is 2 hours north for three days. I'm thinking about taking my bike and stuff to do the Suscoast Tri on Saturday at Ft. DeSoto. Might be fun, but it will disrupt my schedule.
Friday's Sunset

On Friday I had a nice bottle of wine, stopped for some fried chicken and took Joanne to Barefoot Beach for sunset. The beach closes at dusk but there were only two other people for as far as you could see. We sat in our beach chairs watching the dophins and the sunset. What a sight. We stayed so long I had trouble finding my way back to the path, it was dark on the beach!

Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Ironman Triathlon World Championship

The picture above is Christian Sadowski who won a free Cannondale bike at the Ironman Triathlon World Championship. Chris, a construction worker from Florida, showed the real spirit of the Ironman while competing in Saturday's World Championship. Chris was struck by a press corp motorcycle destroying his bike at the 104 mile mark of the 112 mile bike course. Chris at the time of the accident was averaging approximately 19 mph over the grueling course. The two riders on the motorcycle where taken to the hospital, Chris was OK but his bike was destroyed. Since the Ironman rules state the competitor must cross Transition 2 (T2) with a bike, Chris did the only thing he could do, he removed his bike shoes, picked up his bike and ran the 8 miles to T2 carrying his bike! Once at the transition area Chris was able to put on his running shoes and complete the marathon (26 miles, 385 yards). Chris finished the Ironman Triathlon World Championship in 1534th place. To honor his show of the true Ironman spirit and courage, Cannondale presented Chris with a new bike at the awards dinner. Way to go Chris!

Monday, October 18, 2004
This Weeks Update

Hello..No I don't want to take another poll about the election!
Here in Florida we have been getting all kinds of phone calls from the DEC (Democratic Election Committee?) asking how are we going to vote... Not for John Kerry! So stop calling. Everybody I talk to is fed up with there phone calls why do they do this? To annoy voters?
This is three weeks in a row that I've felt I had pretty good training times. Yesterday, Tony and I did 62 miles. While I was a little sore, I felt I had a few more miles left in my legs. Of course the first 20 miles I did in the small cog and just spun at 80-90 bpm to keep my legs fresh. Te 2nd 20 miles I did on the big cog but large ring to keep the same 80-90 bpm. The last 20 it was as what ever we could given how tired we were. Next Sunday we are thinking of doing around Estero Island, approx 60 miles.
Here the Totals for the weak:
Bike 142 miles
Run 27 miles
Swim 6,200 yards
The weather has changed some what here, it has gone from very humid to a lot less humidity to down right cool on Sunday 58*F. I had to start my ride with a long sleeve t-shirt.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Great Ride
Today was a ride day. Although I didn't feel like getting out of bed, I had a great ride. I kept it in the small ring and was able to spin at 90 to 95 bpm. On the flat straight-away Tony and I did 25 mph! I felt particularly strong today and the only thing I can attribute it to is using PowerBar Endurance Drink and Recovery drink after training. Even Tony noticed today and commented on me pushing it today. If I had slept better maybe I would have been even better on the ride.
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Another Good Training Week
The humidity has been dropping and the nicer weather is coming. While we can't open our doors and turn off the AC, I feel that the cooler weather is just around the corner. Today I was much strong and I think it had to due with the lower humidity.
This weaks totals:
Swim - 6300 yds
Bike 130 miles
Run 22 miles
weights 2 times
pilates 2 times
It's been a hard week I haven't wanted to get out of bed plus I did dinner for my office staff on Friday (12 people) and the a dinner club Saturday (8 people). After 2 days of cooking and on my feet I was really tired Sunday.
I've started using PowerBar Endurance during my training over an hour, which is pretty much every day. the PowerBar Recovery after. I have noticed that I feel a little better than with gaterade and I am not as dehydrated after training. I am continuing on Chris Carmichael nutrition plan and I'm not as hungry as I was especially eating 4,100 calories a day, plus I dropped another pound this week.
This weaks totals:
Swim - 6300 yds
Bike 130 miles
Run 22 miles
weights 2 times
pilates 2 times
It's been a hard week I haven't wanted to get out of bed plus I did dinner for my office staff on Friday (12 people) and the a dinner club Saturday (8 people). After 2 days of cooking and on my feet I was really tired Sunday.
I've started using PowerBar Endurance during my training over an hour, which is pretty much every day. the PowerBar Recovery after. I have noticed that I feel a little better than with gaterade and I am not as dehydrated after training. I am continuing on Chris Carmichael nutrition plan and I'm not as hungry as I was especially eating 4,100 calories a day, plus I dropped another pound this week.
Monday, October 04, 2004
Good Week Training
It was a good week training. I feel I met all of my weakly goals except my long run on Sat. I did 8 miles rather than the 13 I had scheduled. But I did have a hard day of yard work after my long run, plus some pool time.
Yesterday , Sunday, was my long ride. Tony and I did two loops inside Pelican Sound then we went out on the road to Coconut Point. On the second PS loop I fell. It was at the turn around and I was just coming out of aero position at 22 mphs and didn't slow down enough. The shoulder was wet from the irrigation so down I went at 20 mph. I bruised my left side and my handle bars are bent slighly. We continued on and finished the 50 miles but I'm sore and have had a little trouble sleeping.
Total w/e Oct. 3:
Bike: 125 miles
Run 18 miles
Swim 6300 yds
Tony and are are going to start getting ready for the Tour de Cape, a 100 mile race Jan 8, 2005 in Cape Coral. Along with that I'm getting ready for the Naples Half Marathon Jan 24, 2005.
Here are this weaks goals.
Bike: 130 miles
Run: 22 miles
Swim 6300 yds
Weights 2xs
Pilates 2xs
Yesterday , Sunday, was my long ride. Tony and I did two loops inside Pelican Sound then we went out on the road to Coconut Point. On the second PS loop I fell. It was at the turn around and I was just coming out of aero position at 22 mphs and didn't slow down enough. The shoulder was wet from the irrigation so down I went at 20 mph. I bruised my left side and my handle bars are bent slighly. We continued on and finished the 50 miles but I'm sore and have had a little trouble sleeping.
Total w/e Oct. 3:
Bike: 125 miles
Run 18 miles
Swim 6300 yds
Tony and are are going to start getting ready for the Tour de Cape, a 100 mile race Jan 8, 2005 in Cape Coral. Along with that I'm getting ready for the Naples Half Marathon Jan 24, 2005.
Here are this weaks goals.
Bike: 130 miles
Run: 22 miles
Swim 6300 yds
Weights 2xs
Pilates 2xs
Monday, September 27, 2004
Jeanne the windy hurricane!
It started Saturday night at about midnight, the howling wind! More wind than rain and I was hoping to fill up the pool! I had a sleepless night with all the wind. Finally when morning came it was still blowing and raining so I couldn't do my long ride. It's times like this I think of a trainer for the garage but rainy mornings don't happen that often. I slept in and got up at 10 since I didn't sleep. Low and behold there was a newspaper in the driveway. So I had a relaxfull morning. But I did feel guilty for missing my training. By Sunday afternoon it was nice enough to take a ride (in the car) to survey the damage that Jeanne caused. All-in-all it looks like we survived another major hurricane!
Today (Monday) I rode with Tony. When I started to leave the heavens opened to a downpour, so I had to wait a few minutes. It must have upset my routine because I found that none of my data was recorded because I didn't start the computers. Ugh! I do know I went 21 miles and had a top speed of 25 mph. But other than that, nada!
Totals for the weak:
Bike 70 miles
Run 15 miles
Swim 4,200 yds
Goals for the weak ending 10/3:
Bike 135 miles
Run 30 miles
Swim 6,300 yds
Pilates 2x's
Weights 2x's
Now that I don't have to go to Orlando this week and hopefully no hurricanes I think I can get back on track.
Today (Monday) I rode with Tony. When I started to leave the heavens opened to a downpour, so I had to wait a few minutes. It must have upset my routine because I found that none of my data was recorded because I didn't start the computers. Ugh! I do know I went 21 miles and had a top speed of 25 mph. But other than that, nada!
Totals for the weak:
Bike 70 miles
Run 15 miles
Swim 4,200 yds
Goals for the weak ending 10/3:
Bike 135 miles
Run 30 miles
Swim 6,300 yds
Pilates 2x's
Weights 2x's
Now that I don't have to go to Orlando this week and hopefully no hurricanes I think I can get back on track.
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Catching Up
Since last Thursday a lot has happened. Joanne has had the flu and I've been trying not to catch it. Friday I did my normal 20 mile ride with Tony and I felt pretty good. We were suppose to go to Orlando for 4 days leaving on Sat but with Joanne ill, I thought it best that she rest on Sat and then take a leisurely ride up Sunday afternoon for her conference Monday and Tuesday. I was able to get a short 5 mile run in on Saturday and a 11 mile bike on Sunday.
So the weeks totals look like this:
Bike 86 miles
Run 15 miles
Swim 3300 yards
Not what my goal for the week was.
So knowing that I was going to be away Monday and Tuesday here are my weaks goals:
Bike 125 miles
Run 35 miles
Swim 6300 yards
I was able to ride a stationary bike at the Hotel on Monday and Tuesday as well as run on a dreadmill so I did 10 miles on the bike and 5 miles on the dreadmill each day. Today was a ride day. It was dark when I left the house and had to use my red blinky light. It fell off the saddle bag twice during my ride. That kinda messes up the ave speed. It was a pretty nice morning the humidity was less and there was a nice little breeze.
Sky Clear
Temp 74
Humidity 70%
Winds East 5 knts
Course: Pelican Sound Loop
Ave Speed 16.5
Max Speed 22.7
Distance 20 miles
Ave HR 130
Time in zone 3 56:40
Ave in HR in Zone 3 133
I've been riding in the big ring but still trying to keep a 90 BPM candence. So far it seems to work. I've also tried to each more as Chris Carmichael suggested in his book. I seem to have more energy.
So the weeks totals look like this:
Bike 86 miles
Run 15 miles
Swim 3300 yards
Not what my goal for the week was.
So knowing that I was going to be away Monday and Tuesday here are my weaks goals:
Bike 125 miles
Run 35 miles
Swim 6300 yards
I was able to ride a stationary bike at the Hotel on Monday and Tuesday as well as run on a dreadmill so I did 10 miles on the bike and 5 miles on the dreadmill each day. Today was a ride day. It was dark when I left the house and had to use my red blinky light. It fell off the saddle bag twice during my ride. That kinda messes up the ave speed. It was a pretty nice morning the humidity was less and there was a nice little breeze.
Sky Clear
Temp 74
Humidity 70%
Winds East 5 knts
Course: Pelican Sound Loop
Ave Speed 16.5
Max Speed 22.7
Distance 20 miles
Ave HR 130
Time in zone 3 56:40
Ave in HR in Zone 3 133
I've been riding in the big ring but still trying to keep a 90 BPM candence. So far it seems to work. I've also tried to each more as Chris Carmichael suggested in his book. I seem to have more energy.
Thursday, September 16, 2004
Thursday Ride
I didn't feel like running this morning, I plan to run tonight. So I rode my bike. Stephen who lives across the street from me, rode with me today. He has a nice Specialized road bike with aerobars. Once again I had the Old Steel Monster. Since I'm twice Stephens age, I was a little concerned about keeping up and also having the Old Steel Monster! But I guess he isn't riding very far in his training program since he coaches a local high school cross country team. During the first sprint he dropped me but the other three sprints I dropped him. I thought not bad for an oldman on an old bike.
I had a comment from Coach Dan (see comment below) telling me it's not the bike but the fitness of the rider that makes it happen. Well having ridden the Old Steel Monster now two days and feeling like I could still "hang with the boys" I guess Coach Dan is right. Thanks Coach!
Sky - Partly cloudy
Temp 76
Humidity 89%
Winds Light SSE
Pelican Sound Loop
Distance 21miles
Ave Speed 16.9
Max Speed 24.5
Ave HR 142
Ave HR in zone 3 139
Time in zone 23:54
I had a comment from Coach Dan (see comment below) telling me it's not the bike but the fitness of the rider that makes it happen. Well having ridden the Old Steel Monster now two days and feeling like I could still "hang with the boys" I guess Coach Dan is right. Thanks Coach!
Sky - Partly cloudy
Temp 76
Humidity 89%
Winds Light SSE
Pelican Sound Loop
Distance 21miles
Ave Speed 16.9
Max Speed 24.5
Ave HR 142
Ave HR in zone 3 139
Time in zone 23:54
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Wednesday on the Steel Monster
Yesterday I took my bike, Roo, to the bike shop to get the rear brake cable and the cadence meter fixed. They were quite busy even though it is "off-season" here in Naples. Glen said it would be Thursday before Clint could get to my bike. Ugh! While I was at the bike shop I looked around to see what Clint had on the floor. It looks like he is no longer selling Giants and Quintanna Roo's because all he has now are Trek bikes.
Since Roo was in the bike shop, I had to ride the Old Steel Monster. So last night I made a few adjustments, lubed the chain and brakes. This morning I was dreading riding the Old Steel Monster as I pumped up her tires. She seemed to do ok with no squeaks or complaints. When I met up with Tony I told him he should go on ahead without me since I was going slow and would hold him back. He said what do you mean slow your doing 18.5 mph! I looked at the speedo and he was right! I was surprised since I felt like I was going slow. It was a little windy because of Ivan off shore by 200 miles, but I was able to kept up with Tony, although I think he was holding back on the straight because of going into the wind.
So here's today's totals:
Sky Partly Cloudy
Temp 74
Humidity 68%
Wind: SSW 12 kts
Distance 21 miles
Ave Speed 17.2
Max Speed 23.0
Ave HR: 138
Time in Zone 3: 54 min
Ave HR in zone 3: 137
Overall time 1:14
Since Roo was in the bike shop, I had to ride the Old Steel Monster. So last night I made a few adjustments, lubed the chain and brakes. This morning I was dreading riding the Old Steel Monster as I pumped up her tires. She seemed to do ok with no squeaks or complaints. When I met up with Tony I told him he should go on ahead without me since I was going slow and would hold him back. He said what do you mean slow your doing 18.5 mph! I looked at the speedo and he was right! I was surprised since I felt like I was going slow. It was a little windy because of Ivan off shore by 200 miles, but I was able to kept up with Tony, although I think he was holding back on the straight because of going into the wind.
So here's today's totals:
Sky Partly Cloudy
Temp 74
Humidity 68%
Wind: SSW 12 kts
Distance 21 miles
Ave Speed 17.2
Max Speed 23.0
Ave HR: 138
Time in Zone 3: 54 min
Ave HR in zone 3: 137
Overall time 1:14
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Another Tuesday
It has been a rather blah day! The sky is overcast with of and on sprinkles. Joanne had a really bad cold yesterday and against my protests she went to work anyway. Actually it was a conference she had to attend. So I got up later than usual and missed my run. I hope to run 5 mile tonight.
I took my bike into the shop to get the brakes fix. He said he was really backed up an it would be Thursday before I could get it back. Ugh. Tomorrow I guess I'll ride the old steel monster.
I took my bike into the shop to get the brakes fix. He said he was really backed up an it would be Thursday before I could get it back. Ugh. Tomorrow I guess I'll ride the old steel monster.
Monday, September 13, 2004
Missed Ivan
Ivan was suppose to be here today but it looks like he will be moving west of us by about 200 miles. Ivan will not be missed! I was able to get a 25 mile ride in today and since I thought Ivan would ruin my ride, I was happy to get it in. Now all those people who boarded up their homes will be able to take down the boards.
Saturday I swam at the pool folowed by a run. I felt like I was getting into a good stroke when it was time to turn around. I guess it's time to go to the big pool at the college. The pool at FGCU is 100 meters.
Sunday's ride was quite a disaster! Tony noticed my rear tire was soft at 12 miles even though I had pumped it up before leaving the house. So it was back to the house where I found the stem was leaking. As I took the rear wheel off to change the tube, I found the rear brake was "frozen". I had been riding with the brake on for I don't know how long. After putting the new tube in Tony and I worked on the brake. Then the cable broke. So off we went to finish our ride but I have no rear brake. At 20 miles Tony got stung on his stomach by a bee. Then about 2 miles later, a bee got into my helmet and I got stung on the head! Then at 25 miles on the straight section where we try to go fast as we can, I got dropped from Tony's wheel lost my concentration and rode off the road. Fortunately, I was able to maintain control and get back on the road but I was upset at myself. Tomorrow I have to take the bike to the shop, they're closed mondays.
Here are this weeks totals:
Bike: 105 miles
Run 20 miles
Swim 3,000 yds
I got weighted Saturday as well and I lost another 2 lbs. Only 30 more to go!
Saturday I swam at the pool folowed by a run. I felt like I was getting into a good stroke when it was time to turn around. I guess it's time to go to the big pool at the college. The pool at FGCU is 100 meters.
Sunday's ride was quite a disaster! Tony noticed my rear tire was soft at 12 miles even though I had pumped it up before leaving the house. So it was back to the house where I found the stem was leaking. As I took the rear wheel off to change the tube, I found the rear brake was "frozen". I had been riding with the brake on for I don't know how long. After putting the new tube in Tony and I worked on the brake. Then the cable broke. So off we went to finish our ride but I have no rear brake. At 20 miles Tony got stung on his stomach by a bee. Then about 2 miles later, a bee got into my helmet and I got stung on the head! Then at 25 miles on the straight section where we try to go fast as we can, I got dropped from Tony's wheel lost my concentration and rode off the road. Fortunately, I was able to maintain control and get back on the road but I was upset at myself. Tomorrow I have to take the bike to the shop, they're closed mondays.
Here are this weeks totals:
Bike: 105 miles
Run 20 miles
Swim 3,000 yds
I got weighted Saturday as well and I lost another 2 lbs. Only 30 more to go!
Friday, September 10, 2004
The New Florida Postcard

Some one sent me this new Postcard. I feel like the clouds of doom are following me.
Today our Managing Director and Owner of the Firm told us we are to leave town on Sunday to escape Hurricane Ivan. He made arrangements for the employees and their families to stay at the Radisson in Ft. Lauderdale Sunday thru Tuesday. The Firm will be covering all expenses!

Thursday, September 09, 2004
IVAN is on the Way
I just got a call from our neighbor, the community is suggesting evacuation.... Ugh! Where do you go? I don't want to go to a shelter. If you go north you will still get hit. You could go east, but that still doesn't get you away..example Frances.
This storm is on the same track as Charley but bigger that Frances or Charley and is now a CAT 5 Hurricane.
This storm is on the same track as Charley but bigger that Frances or Charley and is now a CAT 5 Hurricane.
Thursday's Run
I have had a headache for two days now. Since I didn't sleep well and the headache was still on, I didn't feel like running. I did manage to do 3 miles at 9:41 pace...But not the 7 I had hoped.
I just finished Chris Carmichael's book "Food fo Fitness". It has made me question if I am eating enough to support my training. He recommends a balanced diet but high in carbs, which is what I believe. I don't see the need to push protein to the exclusion of carbs. Carmichael recommends arranging your eating to complement your training schedule. If you are in Base Building Stage you should have a nutrition plan that is the same balancing calorie intake with out put but also matching carbs, fat, etc.... It does require some thought and planning to your meals and eating throughout the day. Carmichael is high on Carbs and suggests using a carb loaded drink during exercise... his own I guess. Well we shall see if it works. I'm going to try to increase gradually my intake but still lose 1 lb a week.
They have been paining our offices. Perhaps that is the source of my headache!
I just finished Chris Carmichael's book "Food fo Fitness". It has made me question if I am eating enough to support my training. He recommends a balanced diet but high in carbs, which is what I believe. I don't see the need to push protein to the exclusion of carbs. Carmichael recommends arranging your eating to complement your training schedule. If you are in Base Building Stage you should have a nutrition plan that is the same balancing calorie intake with out put but also matching carbs, fat, etc.... It does require some thought and planning to your meals and eating throughout the day. Carmichael is high on Carbs and suggests using a carb loaded drink during exercise... his own I guess. Well we shall see if it works. I'm going to try to increase gradually my intake but still lose 1 lb a week.
They have been paining our offices. Perhaps that is the source of my headache!
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
Wednesday's Ride
Today was the first day since Friday that I could ride due to Hurricane Frances. Even though it wasn't raining, it was threatening. The sky overcast and lightening off in the distance. I rode with Tony this morning, he met me on the beginning of the Pelican Sound loop but he was missing his helmet, so it was back to his house to get a brain bucket. The ride was un-eventful top speed 24.9 and average speed 17 mph. I've had a headache all day and I'm wondering if I have been eating enough to support my level of exercise. More pasta I guess!
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Surf's Up!

We went to Ft. Myers Beach to see the damage from Charley and Frances. The surf was as rough as I have ever seen the Gulf. The winds were strong as well. We saw many homes damaged and destroyed from Charley. Any homes that had tarps on them were blown off by Frances and now are getting wet.
I feel out of wack! I haven't been able to ride since Fri due to Frances. Did the dreadmill thingie Sat & Sun, had to run instead of ride Mon because of Frances still hanging around with winds at 25 mph plus.
Today I started on my run and the heavens opened with a heavy downpour, lightening and thunder. I had to go back to the house to drop off the GPS and MP3 player.
It's along way to say I got 6 miles in thru the rain. But I feel like my schedule is all out of I've not eaten right since fri so I don't have energy...I haven't slept well because of Frances waking me up...and now I learn the pool is closed due to Frances!
Totals w/e 9/5/04
Swim 3,000 yds
Bike 80 miles
Run 20 miles
Goals w/e 9/12/04
Swim 3,000 yds _ pool is closed
Bike 100 miles
Run 25 miles

Friday, September 03, 2004
Ride and Hurricane Prep
We are getting ready for Frances. She is across the state in the Atlantic but there are people that have left Miami to come here. The roads are crowded and there are no vacancies in any hotel or motel. The Tecco Arena (a local hurricane shelter) had 500 people this morning. Our office building is closing at 3 pm to get ready. So we have to leave at 2:30. Last nite I took in the furniture off the outside part of the liana. I'm hoping I will not have to move the furniture from the covered part. My boss wants to go play golf this afternoon since we have to close. He thinks we are going to miss the storm.
This morning was a ride day. While I was tired and my right leg ached a little I was able to get in the 20 miles. On the second pass along the straight-away, Tony pulled for the first half and then I did the last, we saw 27.01 mph. I wish I could maintain that pace throughout the ride.
Sky: Clear
Temp: 74
Humidity: 72%
Winds: 10 kts ENE
Course: Pelican Sound Loop
Distance: 20 miles
Ave. Speed: 17.9
Max Speed: 27.01
Ave HR: 102
Time in zone 3: 32
Ave HR in Zone 3: 135
Overall Time: I goofed with the watch again
Yesterday was a run day
Course: Golf Course
Distance 7 miles
Ave Pace 9:32
Ave HR - I goofed on the watched again
We are planning a 50 mile ride on Sunday and a 12 mile run on Saturday. I don't know what will happen with Frances coming. I can always run, even if it is on a dreadmill at the fitness center. But riding may be a problem.
This morning was a ride day. While I was tired and my right leg ached a little I was able to get in the 20 miles. On the second pass along the straight-away, Tony pulled for the first half and then I did the last, we saw 27.01 mph. I wish I could maintain that pace throughout the ride.
Sky: Clear
Temp: 74
Humidity: 72%
Winds: 10 kts ENE
Course: Pelican Sound Loop
Distance: 20 miles
Ave. Speed: 17.9
Max Speed: 27.01
Ave HR: 102
Time in zone 3: 32
Ave HR in Zone 3: 135
Overall Time: I goofed with the watch again
Yesterday was a run day
Course: Golf Course
Distance 7 miles
Ave Pace 9:32
Ave HR - I goofed on the watched again
We are planning a 50 mile ride on Sunday and a 12 mile run on Saturday. I don't know what will happen with Frances coming. I can always run, even if it is on a dreadmill at the fitness center. But riding may be a problem.
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
Ride and Yesterday’s Run
Yesterday I did my run but I felt bad. It was very humid and hot 79 and 90% humidity. I did 5 miles the Pelican Sound Loop and was hoping to do 7 since I missed running on Saturday. I felt so bad I didn't write about my run.... I did see a nice snake.
Today was a ride day. It somehow seemed cooler out. Perhaps fall is in the air. I caught up with Tony and we shared pulling duties. It was good to see on the straight-away he pooped out and I had to pull until I was breathing heavy and pooped.
SKY: Clear - bright sunshine at sunrise
TEMP: 75
WINDS: Light E -SE
Course: Pelican Sound Loop
Distance: 22 miles
Ave Speed: 17.9
Max Speed: 25.8
Ave HR: 135
Time in Zone 3: 43:30
Ave HR in Zone 3: 135
Overall Time: 1:09:16
Today was a ride day. It somehow seemed cooler out. Perhaps fall is in the air. I caught up with Tony and we shared pulling duties. It was good to see on the straight-away he pooped out and I had to pull until I was breathing heavy and pooped.
SKY: Clear - bright sunshine at sunrise
TEMP: 75
WINDS: Light E -SE
Course: Pelican Sound Loop
Distance: 22 miles
Ave Speed: 17.9
Max Speed: 25.8
Ave HR: 135
Time in Zone 3: 43:30
Ave HR in Zone 3: 135
Overall Time: 1:09:16
Monday, August 30, 2004
Weekend Fire Destroys Landmark
They're back

Today it took me 1 hr 19 min to go the 19 miles to work. Between the construction on 41 and the tourists it was bumper to bumper traffic. Ugh! I guess season is starting early.
I did get to ride on Sunday even though I was tired from golf on Saturday (see below). Tony and I rode 30 miles with and ave pace of 17 mph. We did the Coconut Point ride and of course we stopped at Pelican Landing for a snack and to watch the boats. I was quite tired and was happy when the ride was over. I did feel guilty however since Tony went on to do 40 miles.
Here are the totals for the week.
Bike 92 miles
Run 13 miles
I still haven't got back into the groove since my surgery. I need to find time to swim.
Goals for the week:
Bike 125 miles
Run 25 miles
Swim 3,000 yards
Today I rode with Tony. We had a turtle cross the road in front of us...well he was sitting in the road. We stopped and carried him to the other side (good Karma). We were stopped by another cyclist. He wanted to know if he could join us. We told him yes but then after Tony and I rode away we realized this guy was about 25 and real fit. As slow as we go he may not want to ride with us or we may regret inviting him to join us.
SKY: Clear - bright sun
TEMP: 79
Course: Pelican Sound Loop
Distance: 25 miles
Ave Speed: 16.0 mph
Max Speed: 24.1
Ave HR 122
Time in Zone 3: 52:30
Ave HR in Zone 3: 133
Overall time: 1:22:08

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