OK I know I did the race. I crossed the finishing line. I didn't dream this or imagine it. However no results posted on the Naples Fitness Challenge Website for me. You see I suffer from the Curse of Ziegfried the Thumbless.
Ziegfried was a Viking who offended the King and thus was cursed by said King, sentenced to have his thumbs cut off. Do you know how hard it is to work with out thumbs? Thumbs are used for almost everyting we do. Test this by trying to pick up a cup of coffee without your thumb.
Now this curse was passed down the family line via my father's family (my mothers family are American indian). It affects everything in life such as when you buy something a part missing or broken, the new car will be a lemon, and usually whatever it is it will break at the WRONG time! If it wasn't for bad luck I wouldn't have luck.

So that brings us to the email from the Naples Fitness Challenge Race Director, Linda Gregory:
Thank you very much for participating in The 23rd Annual Fitness Challenge Triathlon.
I hope you had a great time.
We did have some timing issue with one wire on the transition area being cut by biking shoes and the finish timing device being unplugged accidental on the beach by spectators.
So some athletes will not have finish time listed. The FINISH TIME AFFECTED were from 1 hour 23 minutes to 1 hour 32 minutes this can be fixed and we can get your time listed in our final results. Thank you for your patience.
O well there it is again, The Curse of Ziegfreid the Thumbless