My friend Jack WON (lucky bastard) a slot for Kona Ironman, however in order to valid the slot he must complete another Ironman race, either a half or full Ironman. Of course Jack is doing a half this summer. So he has been swimming in the Gulf to get ready. Jack invited me to swim along. so today I met Jack at the parking lot of Wiggins Pass State Park in Naples at 7:15 for a quick swim.
The water was a cool 84* with slight rollers so we stared out into the current with the rollers to our back left and it was a tough 1/4 mile swim...into the current. I had forgotten to sight so I started out by swimming in a circle. I realized the error of my direction, stopped, regrouped and started over again. I then sighted every 50 strokes only to find Jack puling away from me!
The turn around found us going with the current so it was a very easy relaxing swim back to the start, kinda like swimming down hill! The only problem... I have a salty water taste in my mouth.
Tonight will be quick 5 mile run!